Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Heal Me 15

another one just for you ;*

I guess he was dialing Dhari’s number.

Me: no hamad please not dharii!

I was planning to ignore him! I didn’t like how he acted yesterday 3ashan the bill so im not going to give it up just like that im gonna ignore kaifa his problem it was just a bill mala da3y kl hal stares I might be over reacting bas ma a7eb el nass ely chethy, maybe Im sensitive

Hamad: dharoooy…madry m9a5na sara !...doctor gabl mayred! ….shasawy!...tekfa dawer ay shy!...mot6awel!

He came back in with a bowl of ice and a tiny towel…he threw the blanket away ashwa I wasn’t wearing something short or anything I had track pants on and a tank top I was wearing socks because it was cold at night… he took my socks off too o 7a6 the cold and wet towel on my forehead about 15 minutes later the bell rang he opened the door and there came dhari and a doctor with a suitcase.

He opened his suitcase got some of those stuff for diagnoses

Dhari stood there his hands crossed looking straight at me I didn’t even dare look his way.

Doctor: please sit up

I looked at him clueless. Hamad came over from the right side of my bed tried pulling me up to sit he held my arm to keep me from lying back down, then came dhari and he held my left arm to help Hamad he sat on the floor well not sat kind of knelt down on the side of my bed, I put my head down and lafayta to Hamad’s side

Doctor: look at me please Sarah

Hamad: swaiir yalah shway bas

I turned he had a tiny torch and shone it from eye to eye then he wore the earphone and put the round thing to hear me breath.

Doctor: try to breath hard please

I tried to breath but I was too tired. He lifted my tank top to my chest I mean just covering my chest and placed the round thing where he could hear, well it was metal and cold so caused shivers all over my body. Dhari felt it he placed his other hand on my back and started rubbing my back.

I’ll be honest I would have smiled at him but at that moment 7ada lay3a chabdy o rassy and everything was just not right!

Doctor: she has a cold her breathing wasn’t normal at all I think you should take her to the hospital she needs drip to relax, I could give her an injection to calm her for about an hour for now…

Hamad got up and went to the 9ala with the doctor to write the note for the hospital and I was left with dhari in my room. I laid back down rolled on my right hand avoiding him and closed my eyes. He sat still in his place then he got up with a sigh …

Dhari: matshoooofin shar sara

He knew I wouldn’t reply back, I didn’t even move an inch. He left and shut the door. Then the doctor came I heard him talking about injections then 7amad replied back I didn’t really get what he said.

Doctor: Sarah please relax i’ll give you an injection on your left thigh

I gave Hamad an e6la3 bara stare, he nodded and left. I pulled my track pants down from my left and he rubbed on it with alcohol swabs then the injection was half way through…believe me it hurts and yes I cried maskeen sabaitah ;p

Hamad: thanks a lot doc!...............

The apartment door was shut then Hamad came and poked me thinking I was asleep I opened my eyes as soon as he poked me

Hamad: sara yallah mostashfa

I nodded and sat in my bed waiting for him to come back, DHARI came in! I thought he went with the doctor but it turned out that he just lead him back down to the parking.

He stood in front of me metsaned 3al 6oofa then Hamad came in with my I <3>

Hamad:Yala sara please lebsay hatha fog hdoomich for now

I couldn’t do any of what he was asking me to do

Hamad: ma yenfa3 chethy

Da5al el pullover from my head then my arms it seriously felt like I was a new born baby that his parents were too afraid to break !

Hamad: dharooy tekfa yeeb mobilha 3al 6awla o el sha7an 3al blaak o el crocs

Dhari: yallah ka 5al a5eth mayy 7ag el 6reej o  nanl asha8el el sayara

Dhari left then Hamad lifted me up one hand was under my thighs while the other was under my neck.

It was the first time that something like this ever happened to me I was scared I have to say I felt I was being too selfish r something I know he’s my brother bs I put him through a lot! And now he’s so confused not knowing what to do or say ;(

We were in the elevator now 7asayt I have to walk im making him tored and im not that light so he could carry me for a long time

Me: h a mad u  can  p ut   me   do w n….

Hamad: u sure? No shoes?

Me: its o ka yy

He put me down we both walked out of the elevator him watching my step as we went to the car dhari had his hands on the wheel god knows what he’s thinking. I laid back on the back 3 seats s he drove to the hospital…

Hamad: saraa hach sherbay mayy shway

I got up feeling so dizzy took the bottle and gulped the cold water that went through my throat down my stomach, I stayed sitting up wore my crocs that were under the seat I was on which is the one right behind ‘9aryy. We9alna the main enterance Dhari went to get a wheelchair Hamad came over to my side and helped me get down. We went straight to the doctor. After he’d read and stamped on the the note from the other doctor he switched to us to another floor were a room was set and the same doctor came inserting the tiny needle on my hand for the drip.

We were there for what seemed like hours and when I woke up there was no Hamad in the room just Dhari  :| I was a little better than before I scanned the room for my bb I found it on the side table I tried reaching for it with tears in my eyes

Then another hand which wasn’t my property landed on my phone I looked up to see dhari

Dhari: haach

I took it and started sms-ing Hamad it was hard trying to focus with blurry eyes

Dhari: Hamad ra7 eyeeblich el dowa mnel pharmacy l2ana mako ta7t he’s coming ba3d shway…whats wrong?



Heal Me 14

sorry i know 6awalt bs wallah 7ada wai3 ehnee eb lebanon ;( la3at chabdy im stuck here with my parents ok we do have fun a little bs not all the time and as soon as i open my laptop my dad comes over and says basich baba e7na msafrin klyoum internet ;p 

I finally had the courage to speak back hoping someone would help me …




I heard Fahad’s unbelievable laughter which was echoing loudly!




I stayed there for about 2 mins then I heard footsteps coming down from the steep hill!

Dhari: haa egolon m3alga

Me: eee hal saka 3alag feeny

Dhari: laish ma mesaktay hatha awal ma we9al hnak 3ashan ma yerja3 feech!

Me: mu ohwa ma we9al laih hnak 3ashan amsek hatha o ma yerja3 feeny

Dhari: hahaha

He came over to the spot were I was stuck and yes I got stuck because I wasn’t that heavy so that I could reach the place where my buckles would lock to the platform ones so that it holds me in place bs unfortunately none of this happened.

He held the blue buckle rope and pulled me to the tree where this whole adventure ends.

Me: thankyou!

Dhari: ma sawaina shy ;)

He walked away leaving me to unbuckle the safety buckles and follow him to the beginning because he didn’t do that part he came to help me …

Me: mmm dhari…e9eer tsa3edny? Ma a6ool :$  this was so embarrassing! Awal shy sa3adny o el7in ma a6oool ;S walah fashla!

Dhari: hahahhaha I knew it! 

He came over  again reached the wired rope unbuckled my safety buckles


Hamad: ON MY WAY ;D

Dhari: a3aleghom bl gear ? a5af mat3arfin ba3ad ;p hahahha

Me: laa a3aaaref

I tried taking the buckles mna bs he wouldn’t let me, he hung them to my gear.

Dhari: Done ;p

Me: THANKYOU! For millionth time

Dhari: ma sawaina shy ! AGAIN ;p

Me: t8aled ya3ny … ?

Dhari: kaiiffyy ;p yala emshay hnaak mokan ely ma re7tla

Me: after you 

We walked over to the starting place of the two long slides the one that goes from hill to hill he buckled himself and just like that he went :S no yuma a5af  or something like that madry gam esawy rou7a 8awy aw shy bs wallah e5aaare3! :O

I went back to where I got stuck waiting for the rest of the team to come Hamad came he got here really easily unlike me well ok ana 7ala 5a9a ;p bs el athwal fahad he was turning ya3ny his face and body should be facing the last platform ohwa la2 his face kaan wara xD so when he got here the two things that lock kind of 6ayeroo  lol wallah it was soo funny! 7asaiitah gaal yumaaa sh9aaar xD then dhari got here easily as well.

Fahad: yala 5anroo7 nred el gear o nro7 ma63aaaaam

Me: intaa bas t7aaty ba6nik yal ba6a!

Dhari: ee wallaa 9edagtaaay hahhahaha

Hamad: Sara sam7ay Fahad tawa bady yanmo gesma ye7taaj yakl wayed (and he patted on Fahad’s back)

Fahad: wallah la3alimkom ya klaab ;p kint ba3zemkom bs hawant ;p

Dhari: hahah mashkoor baba ana a3zemkom o bnro7 Outback SteakHouse ;)

Hamad: good choice maan ;D

We gave the assistant back the gear and Dhari took his ID he gave it to them as ta2meen …

We got to outback steakhouse  I texted Hamad on the way ;p

Sms to Hamad

            Heey may9eer kela ohwa he pays im paying basawy rou7y ray7a WC o im gonna pay kay ?;*

Sms from Hamad

            Mn galich eny ba5aleeeh yedfa3 ? ;p lol okay


We got there ok seriously etha mu ray7inlaa lazm troo7onla! A7la shy el appetizers! (thanks to Darliam :* el bread!! ) it was so good kether ma enroo7la hnee we didn’t have to see the menu we knew what we wanted and which were the bestselling courses…

I excused myself from the table and went to pay the bill then to the toilet.

When I got back they were having deserts.

Dhari: could u get me the bill please

Waitress: it has been payed sorry sir (and she left )

I looked down trying to fiddle with my bb chny madry shesalfa, I felt Dhari’s looks trying to find who payed the bill mna ;p  and as soon as I lifted my head up his eyes landed on mine I couldn’t do anything but smile!

Dhari: (he ws bothered I could see) latsawinha again (death stare i can say which looked so damn serious)

Me: cant promise you that im sorry

Ok 7asaita byekfa5ny madry ohwa may7eb girls pay his bill or something bs common shda3wa ;/ I got really scared bs I got the courage to reply back, 7asait my eyes were teary his eyes were RED!  Hamad on the other hand was sending something to fahad o kanaw e3ablon with their phones I don’t think they heard any of this.

Hamad: yalla meshainna ?

I got up I was on the side Dhari in front of me and Hamad beside me while Fahad was beside Dhari so Hamad and fahad mjablin ba3a’9 I got up first and walked out of the restaurant  and to the car I kneeled  on my door waiting for dhari to unlock the car so that I could get in.

As soon as he unlocked the car I got in plugged my earphones and songs started playing in my head and the next thing I knew I was being poked because we were home.

Hamad had his hands on my shoulders walking  me to the elevator because I was tired I took a quick shower I hate sleeping when I feel that I’m sweaty or something I slept with my hair wet I wasn’t in the mood to dry my hair.

The next morning Hamad kept calling me I was too tired to wake up.


No answer I couldn’t talk nor reply back and the nxt thing I knew hamad barged in my room! And the door hit the wall hard!

Hamad: laish matredin 3alay?

All I did was stare back at him not knowing how to communicate !

He sat on the side of my bed and put his hands on my head!

Hamad:ok il7in badeg 3al doctor intay m9a5naa!!!!

He walked out of the room bser3a took his phone and all I could hear was his curses

Hamad: ya5yy mo wagtik red 3al tlefoon !!! walaiiin 5al adeg 3ala bu-dharwa!

u like?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Heal Me 13

We're traveling to lebanon bacher el 9eb7 im supposed to be packing but instead i searched those pics from the hotel room and my mom started calling "jahaztay ashya2ech ? o hdoum bacher" ...."eee eee yuma el7in ba5ale9 bs boga shoes " :p lat9adgoun 

hope u liked the post te3abt! ;p nafsiyan loool la joking bs '9ahry e3awerny ;(

hathail the two mountains well u can say hills ;p  .... there's those thick strings(2) from hill to hill which was our last thing we slid on ... fehamtaw
the adventures ...u can see the platforms from here ....
the assistant,hathail the buckles that we clip or hang

Dhari parked the car we all got down Fahad and Dhari started naketing one of those so lame nikat! And guess what ! im not Surprised !

Dhari: yallah emshaw 5al na5eth el gear!

We walked after him and waited at little kiosk where we pay and fill out the forms and get our gear.

Lady: are u all over 18

Dhari: yes but she(pointing at me ) is 10

Me: :| Laaaa2 , Hamad shouffaa ):

Hamad: ana mally sheghel ,shoufay sheghlich ma3aah

Me: Dhariiii!!!!

Dhari: haaa shtabin

Me: ana 18!!!!!!! Mu 10

Dhari: kaifyy ana akabrich wa9a’3rich meta ma aby

Me: laa wallah madry mno entaa 3aad!

Hamad: yahaaaal yahaaal!

I huffed and puffed.

Me:5alaa9 zain 7e6 el 3omer ely ya3jebik elmohim eny barkab!

Dhari filled the form and handed it over to the lady she read all over and gave us tickets to prove that we paid ;p

Lady: sir you could go over to the side and get your gear my colleague will help you

Dhari: ok thanks!...yallah emshaw

This dude showed us how to wear the thing he tightened the thing we wore for each of us and when he reached me I looked up they were all looking at me, I started looking from fahad to hamad then dhari and back again ..

Me: shfeeekom!

Dhari: yallah 5al9eeena!

Me: shdarany 3an hatha! (pointing to the guy fixing my gear ashwa he wasn’t looking up!)

Dhari: hehehe ok

We went to the warm up place were he trained us to see if we’re ready because we’ll be all alone in the rest four adventures. We were all ready to start the first adventure well except me ;p I always forget to at least be buckled up with one well to be safe, the buckle is the one that holds you and keeps you from falling!

Hamad: sara entay bl ne9 mara7 tro7in awal wa7da!

Me: hahhah enzain

Hamad: fhaiid eroo7 jedam ba3dain swaira o dhari o ana a5er wa7ed

Fahad went up the rope kind of ladder easily ofcourse while he was going up he was tied to two buckles yellow and red ;p Red is the one which must always be taken off first which I always mess up!

Dhari: yalaa sara 7e6eehom athnaynhom!

Me: ee kaa gam arakeb (:

I started going up! but the thing was too heavy and it wasn’t moving alomng as I go up the ladder!

Me: mu ra’9yy eye el shay!

Dhari: entay te7arekay o yet7arak ma3ach!

Me: mu ra’9y! m5areff thgeel!

Dhari: entay 9ed3ay ana 5al ajareb as7eba yemkin e9eer as-hal

He pulled as I took steps up the ladder and it was getting easier ! off latshoofon 7ada kaaan thgeeeeeel magdar as7eba!

Me: wayed as-hal (we9alt fog 3al platform) yala bas asheel hatha o ent e5tha 3ashan teye ;p
I took the yellow and red off and started walking loosed on the tiny platform!

Dhari: SAARAAA rakbaaay el a7maar!

Me: haaaaa weeee nesayt!

Dhari: wallah 7allaah

I went up and now it was Dhari’s turn up the “rope” ladder…

Dhari: 7amaad please es7abny hatha thgeel magdar as3ad ;p ( trying to sound like a girl)

Hamad: mn 3yooonii!

Dhari: teslamlyy 3anooonik!

I waited till Dhari was up on the same platform and I hit him hard on his back, and he turned around.

Dhari: laish ya3ny laish ?

Me: es2aal nafsik int o hatha !(pointing at Hamad) it3ayboun HAAA!

I hit back again on the head and ran across some moving wood bits that were hung by a rope (latesta’3rebon bas wallah klshay is held by either a rope or the silky wire ely madry shlon 9ayer) obviously I was hooked to the safety thing before I hit him, he ran after me but he couldn’t catch up because I kindof slid through because the wire e5aleeh mthl za7lageya 3eraftaw ? (sorry ma3aref ashra7lekom! :S )

Me: heeey el7in yengaa9 wen6ee7 ogaaf el assistant gal bs 7aada 1 person! (I screamed while I was running trying to balance on each piece of wood)

Dhari: shchayfatny Dobb! O entay dobba! Shege9a hatha ;p ….ya3ny men7asha a9eedich el7in ne6ray baas!

I reached the next platform and unhooked both then hooked the red one on the tree and started going round the tree then Dhari came and pulled my pony tale! :O

Me: aaaa77! Tara e3awer taby tjareb ?! ( I pulled his what I call guffa ;p )

Dhari: heeeww el7in e9eer bg3aa gar3a eb rassy ! ya bent enaas

Me: la o ana !! 3ady e9eer mokan ma feeh sha3aaar!

We finished all four adventures fighting having fun posing for each other for once ina life time shots ;p and now come the last slide its about 50 meters above ground(I think) it went from mountain to mountain.

Me:Yuma ! shoufaw ana baroo7 gabl bas matyon ela laman ana agolikom come 3ashan may9er accident ou9al! mafhoum :p

Hamad: yallah yala rou7ay !

Me: eee rou7ay feeha ya swaiira saway rou7ich 8aweya o 6e7say bl a5eer ;O yuma e5are3 kan bs I was trying to show eny ma a5af o chethy so I went first!

I went it was scary at first bs ba3dain it was 3ajeeeeb!

Me: yallah Hamaaad ta3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal (I heard my echo )

Hamad: okaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!! (ECOOOO-ingg)

Hamad came to my platform ohwa bas 7ada 3 eb each platform so Hamad was already here he screamed for Fahad to come while Fahad was on his way I went and waved back 3ala 6reejy coz he was on my left!



I heard his screams but I was too scared to answer back so tears started streaming down my face thinking that I would be stuck here forever….


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Heal Me 12

thanks for the comments guys ;* unfortunately today i lost one follower ;p bs nvm i have lots more right? ;;* love you guys!  i'm leaving for lebanon in 2 days :) 

Hamad left with dhari to the dewaniya 2 hours later I heard a knock on the door it was Hamad…

Hamad: swaiira ba6lay el bab

Me: okaay!

I unlocked the door and swung it open

Me: Sshtaabyy!:p

;\ Hamad kan eb wayhy I peeked behind him because I saw a half figure

Me: ohh dhari is here too ;S

Dhari: matabeeny ;p 5ala9 aroo7

Me: la hah abs 3abaly bs ohwa yay…7ayakom ;p?

I was wearing my track pants and my I<3rome>

Dhari: latyeeebin shay tara 7adna FULL mn el dewaniya kla junk hnak!

Me: wanna agool laish kl wa7ed mkaaresh :p akeeed mayeeb?

Dhari: hahaha ee ee wallah

I sat on the single couch while Hamad and Dhari sat on the other one.

Me: Hamaad shno hatha

Hamad: hatha ely bnwareech eyah :p madry wallah our friends ray7inlaha climbing o chethy mn tree to tree fa ha enroo7 ?

They showed me pictures on the brochure and I got kind of scared bs shakla ewanes! So y not try it at least once in a life time :)

Me: allaaah shakla wanasa eee yallah enro7

Dhari: meta a5er class 3endich ?o ent meta (looking from me to Hamad and back again)

Hamad: ana mako abdy wara Christmas break ;p

Me: ollaaaaaaaaaaaa! Laish ana tawny adry inshallah :S ana my class nafs elyoum e5ali9

Dhari: ola shetsawy la sheghel wala mash’3ala ;pahh 5ala9 ana americh 3gb el class na5eth o5och we7arik …mashy ? o chena Fhaiid beyey tawa dazly bbm

Hamad: eee 5ala9

Me: okk!  Bs heey matgol laish mako classes laih after el break ? :\ I I don’t like it when someone says to me 3ashanich or whatever I prefer it when they say it in a different way like maby …. Or maly 5lg bs maysawon shy 3ashani I feel like 7adhom they want to get rid of me o chethy o they’re not happy with what they’re oing at all so I hoped Hamad wouldn’t say that 3ashanyy ana o chethy bs he knows that fa mara7 egool!  (:

Hamad:  lat5afin mu 3ashanich bs la2aana el shabab bero7on road trip gabl Christmas break fa baroo7 ma3ahom bs bu-dharwa o Fhaid e5al9on this semester so yegderon ero7on ana atwahag ekon 3endy classes ;p

Me: (I eyes both of them  like seriously 3ashan road trip ;O)

Dhari: ana maly sheghel :| o5och raaz wayha ana ma 3ezamt ;O

Me: hatha FAHAD ana adry feeh! Enzain ana shbasawy hnee brou7y :S

Hamad: swaira u can do anything invite friends to sleep over aw maybe 3aziz and the kids eyoonich kaifich omy teye o ur birthday ba3ad coming up ;) …

Me: oh well bribing and Hamad are like best friends (rolled my eyes)

Hamad: btw I wasn’t asking for permission (raised an eyebrow) I was confirming with you ;p

Me: wtv

Dhari: tom o jerry mu Hamad o Sara!

Me&Hamad: Adry 3an(ha)

Me: :| woooow

And we all burst out laughing. About half an hour later Dharoy left I went to bed leaving Hamad in the kitchen fiddling with the fridge and mumbling. I cant remember what happened next because by then I’d drifted to sleep. I woke up the next day wore my trainings and headed to university with Alanoud I was glad that she had presentation to work on and she couldn’t possibly come because Hamad told me “mu lazm tdegin 3alaiha im ur bro I’ll be there and they are just my friends what’s the big deal”

This time in class I kind of took the idea of that annoying teacher and replaced him as any teacher because if I don’t I’d never learn anything this whole semester:p and guess what the time passed really quickly we got dismissed I headed out and found Dhari on the chairs outside in the courtyard I guess msaned eeda 3al table mal el chairs and texting ;p

Me: Hallaa

Dhari: ohh halla wallah ,3ndy lich so2al 

Me:yuma shfeeh ;O shno so2ala eeeh ?

Dhari: t3arfin mokan a7ref el 3araby :p bl keyboard;p?

Me: weeh ma 3enda salfa ;p lel2asaf la2 :p o my keyboard mafih 3araby ana kla ashayer ;p

Dhari : nafs el 7aaalaa ! mu hathy moshkilty 9arly sa3a a2alef bs yanait mara7 a5ale9 chethy, yalla be6agag el7in 5aroo7 na5eth o5och  layagleb 3alaiy ;p

Me: hahah yallah, after you (:

Dhari: NO ladies first (and he kind of bowed a lilttl bs mu mthl musicians )

Me: ahhahaha  okk xD

I walked over to his car and sat in the passengers seat 3ashan matfashal nafs a5er mara ;p

Dhari: oh zain ta6awer gemtay teg3edin jedaam

Me: tara el7in aroo7 wara ;p

Dhari: thadedin ba3aaad hahha

Me: ee ana e5t bu-dharwa ;)  (I joked)

He drove over to the Building it was just minutes away I quickly got down

Dhari: wain 3ala allah ?

Me: bs dgeega bser3a babadel !

Dhari: mafeeha shy hdoomich !

Me: laa I’v already picked what im wearing! (BIG LIE xD bs I had it in mind)

Dhari: GIRLS (and he turned his hands like he had no choice )

I ran up the stairs and into the apartment which wasn’t locked to my luck, I got my clothes out of the closet, well it was only my light bluish skinny jeans and a polo RL shirt I wore my converse and rand back down with my ipod, phone and wallet! I got in the car and Dhari drove a block away to pick Fahad!

Dhari: e5tik tbadel asra3 mnik ma3ana mafro’9 el 3aks bs yallah in6awefha :p

Me: ee hamad e76 mekyaaj o 3afsa matadry ;p

Dhari: 9ijj wallah bu 7maiiida ma getlyy …shno sirr el 5al6a 3aad ;p

Hamad: thouum ,za3tar, mayo, o kechup ;p

Dhari: laalaaa 8aweya shaklha ;p

Hamad: ufff! Bet6ayer el 3a2el xD (sounding girly and  kind of shy)

Me: hahahhahahaha Hamad bada3t

By then we reached to Fahad’s  building ashwa he came on time we didn’t have to wait , and about an hour later we reached our destination eventhough I love driving without one<3

Monday, July 19, 2010

Heal Me 11

sorry for the delay but again I'm not in K-Town ;D chllin' with my parents and cousins in Europe :) i am having fun ams sawait shy 7ada e5are3 ya3ny 9ij jazaft :p uff! 3ajeeeeeeb lazon tro7onla!

this post is the longest one i wrote in history of me being a blogger :p

I wore something really simple you could say, mala da3y ya3ny aksha5 7ag malls la2ana el nas ely feehom kla halaga :p bs ya3ny ana ma halagt I wore something simple yet pretty nezalt ta7at and there was alanoud waiting in her car telling me to hurry up …

Alanoud: 3ajlee ya bent!!!!

Me: kanny yaayaa! Ya3ny arke’9 :p

Alanoud: *closed her eyes and motioned to hurry up with her hands *

I got in and she drove to the mall 7ada greeeb it was a short ride we shopped for shoes, casuals, jeans, trainings and so on!

Alanoud: lets leave now to go to cvs! U done shopping right ?

Me: mmm what do you think look at me is there anywhere else I could hold bags with? hhahahha

Alanoud: I don’t think so ahahhaha

Cvs has lots of colourful stuff o chethy ewanson 7ata eb target o wallmart xD o staples the one in UK el stuff ely hnaak (y)! don’t ask why but I prefer my pencil case to be full of pencils, sharpies, and pens o kl shy 7ata erasers (or rubbers as we English people say) !

As we were done with stationary stuff we headed back home she came over so we could set our classes for the upcoming semester.

Days passed life continued as usual

1 Month Later

First day of university …I couldn’t believe I was so happy to finally start university…I got up really quickly I had something to wear for today that I prepared  yesterday kether ma ana meshta6a!

I called Alanoud!

Me: waiinichh yalaa naby starbucks a5af n9eer late!

Alanoud: noo we’re early! I’m outside get down here …yeaah btw u will get the drinks! I’m so tired!


I quickly hung up…

Me: BYEEE BU 7MAIIIDAA !! HAHHHAHAHA  *Bang* (I slammed the door)

I pressed the going down button :p

Me :waaayy la2 kiliish mu wagtik et3aalegg! (I started chatting with the elevator eb mo5y o at5ayal enna it’s answering back lol 7mdella wesheker adry;p)

Elevator: chubay gam awa9el el awadem ma3endy ella entay!?

Me: ba3aad wallah w 6ela3lek elsan o gemt etseb… a5er zmaan (it felt I was waiting for so long bs the clock on my mobile bs was a minute zyada! ) shakla hatha mara7 e5ali9!!

I ran down the stairs rake’9 zain ma tekarfast o 6e7t 3ala wayhy! I ran to the car and sat trying to catch my breath and at least try to say hi to alanoud !

Me: hey! Yala Starbuckkss! :D

Alanoud: ok ok calm down xD

She drove to starbucks “starbucks el 3arab”  this time I walked to the counter and ordered our drinks while I was waiting for the drinks at the little counter someone kind of knocked on my shoulder

















Wallah im not trying to make it look long bs think :p use the stupid thing in your head :p I call it stupid even though its smart! :D











Me: ambaaaiih hatha a3arffaa !! mmm shesma shessmmmaa!!! Huufff nesayt!

….: mmm 3erafteeny

Me: mm eee enta  hatha ely mat-thakar esma ;/

….: hahaha ma3ach dhari *Shakes hands *

Me: eee eee 3eraftik!

Dhari : ha betkamlin jam3a hnee?

Me: ee wallah 9arlena ta8reeban shahrain o elyoum awal youm jam3aa , 7amad o5oy masters o ana bachelor :$

Dhari: ayaaaal kaalb ma gally beyey ekamil hnee! Ana ba3ad yay akamil

The lady called out my orders…

Me: yalla mwafag! I gtg maby at2a5ar ma3asalama…

Dhari: ajma3in inshallah, yalla nshoofich 3ala 5air!

I walked out to the car and handed her the drink I told her all about what happened in starbucks!

Alanoud: ohh I know that guy too he and ur brother and fahad were like the 3 troublemakers :p seriously they’re crazy !

Me: hahah

She parked the car and we both got down heading towards our first class, Alanoud showed me around and told me where each class I singed up for was, after all she wasn’t a bad guide :p

We both signed up for literature our professor wai3 esawy rou7a fahem mal box :p everything he explained didn’t make sense!  Wedy I correct him bs maskin 7aram afashla so I kept quite and started to sms my cousin in Kuwait !


Me:Way my first class this professor eswy rou7a fahem bakaf5a

Hessa :Lol maskin give him a chance tara all professors chethy hahah so far all mine are the same as yours xD

Me: ohh so its not just this one all of ‘em are like this!  Am I in hell?

Hessa: la mu shar6 bs hnee tefelsef ;p lol compared to me your in heaven cousin! Basich sms! Listen you’ll learn something butthead!

Me: 6al3a 3alaich (a) hahah kk!

This first class was so long I cant remember a word he said!  We got dismissed I walked home because Alanoud had another class since she’s graduating next year and she had requirements that weren’t completed yet!

A car stopped when I was on my way home yes it was 


Dhari: ha rada el bayt ?  (talking out from the window)

Me: eee my friend boglaha a class left ana 5ala9t :)

Dhari: tabin awa9lich ana raye7 amr o5ooch mara wa7da....

Me: mm la it’s okay I’ll walk home… (I said shyly )way fashla I don’t even know him that well!

Dhari: yallaa emshay lateste7in ag9aha a ride home!

Me: okay…

I opened the door and sat in the backseat  behind him, suddenly he turned around while taking off his seat belt and looked my way ! :/

Dhari: shfeech ge3adtay warah tara ana kuwaity mu hindy

Me: ……

Dhari: ta3alay ge3day jedaam ashoof latfashleena :p

Me: heheh ok

I scooted over to the other side opened the door got out and sat in the passengers seat.

Me: there (:

Dhari: waayed a7saan! Hahhahaha

It was short ride I kept quite I was kind of shy ya3ny Hamad and his friend ok bs not me and his friend madry its awkward! Well TO ME !

Me: mashkoor matga9er (I got down)

Dhari: el 3afuu ma sawaina shay * smile*

I walked to the main door giving him my back then he called out my name…

Dhari: Saraa…

Me: mmm na3am ( I turned from far distance)

Dhari: 3afya bs tnadeenly 7amad o layezra3ny el a55!

Me: inshhallah  ( I smiled back)

As I was waiting for the elevator to come (cant find the right word) I decided to take a glance where his car was.He was fiddling with something on his right I guess it’s the thing between the two seats and…

*ting tong *

This friend is much better than Fahad! Waay fahad enarfez hatha shway hady o mu maynoon. Lel2asaf 7amad ma 6ela3 3alaih I thought friends share same personalities style and stuff like that u know or maybe that thing only occurs with girls ?

* ting tong *

I unlocked the apartment door.


Hamad: haaaaaaa!

Me: egolon na3am! Dhari egool yallah inzl …btw ohwa shafny bl 6ereej chan ege6ny el bayt

Hamad: zain  tethakarteeh o rekabtay weyaah o ma 9ara5tay bl shware3 STRAAANGERRR !

Me: shdaa3wa 3ad !! shlon ansa shakla 3gob ely sawah bl 6ayara! YANANY!

Hamad: 6ab3aan rfeejy lazm yourath cham sha’3la ya3ny la testa’3rebain!

Me: 3al a8aaal el yenoon ely feeh a5af mn ely feek! * hitting his head well maybe his brain! *

Hamad: heeeeww m5yy! La belaaah fe8aaadt el thakera aanaaaa! 

shower me with some comments guys ;* at least show u liked it so that i'd continue