Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Heal Me 5

Hey there you go ... i might post one ba3ad 3 hours.. i know its short

Enjoy :) 


Days passed by with me waking up going over to faroosi and trying to make him say my name and till without any kind of improvement…but guess what now he knows how to pronounce everyone’s name except me EVEN THE NANNIES AND DRIVER!!

The day came ,the day me and Hamad are leaving Kuwait , my mom Aziz and Noura with f &f were at the airport to say goodbye. F&F who were so attached to me cried but then they got bribed by their parents so they just gave Sara and Hamad a big hug and  before they truned around to go out ….

Fedaa : bah-bye Sayaa (with a huge grin)

I threw my stuff on the floor and turned around then I ran to her, I picked her up and started kissing her then I put her down and walked over to faroosi and pinched his cheeks and said …

Me: I’ll be calling for you young man dontcha think that I forgot about my name ;D(talking to faroosi who was lost in his own world) (9ijj yahel ! xD  )

Then they all waved goodbye by the gates of the plane and left, of course my mom cried like she’s never going to see us again ! ;;*(mothers just love their children so much but we don’t seem to understand do we ? ) she also started giving me advices and stuff.

After 14 tiring hours in the plane they finally reached their destination. Hamad didn’t seem to realize that so Sara kept poking him …

Me : Hamad goom yalla (poking his shoulder)

Hamad: mm miff 5aleeny anam cham mara gayelich etha yaw bya36oony akel mabyy !! (eyes still closed)

Me: Hamaaadd ! tara aroo7 wa5aleekk (opening the belt)

Hamad: haaa  wain (opened his eyes and peeked through the window)we9aalnaah ;S medaanaa

Me: ee yala goom tara  m9a5at-ha (pulling his hand to get him up )

He finally got up we lined up so that we could get our passports stamped and headed to the luggage claim then we got a taxi to our old apartment we got there by 8 pm. The driver helped to get the bags up and to the apartment door then he left .I waited for Hamad to unlock the door.

*tik  tik * (its unlocked now xD )

Hamad pushed the door open …

Me: waii3 asfa bs im not sleepin’ chethy waii3 kela cat hairballs !! o ashya2 ewwwiii !!!

Hamad: 3an el dala3 emshay zain ana daye5 o banam bs  ba’3ayer il bed sheets o 5ala9 bacher en3adel el bajyy

Me: bs Hamad eshlon wai3 feeh insects o stuff o a7es feeh dust ba3ad

Hamad: shno dust ga3da bl Kuwait intay ( he placed his bags in is room and hers in her room.)

Me: Hamad 3afya ana sheft seven eleven bl 6ireej 5an nro7 neshtery ashya2 motgol shesma your friend m5aley sayartik 3enda ):

Hamad: ee 3end rfeejy sayarty , bs ana daye5 chan tabin tmotin ;p  wella tadrin shlon ohwa ewadeeena la7’9a 5anshoof

I kept my hopes up and waited . shit ambaih fashla ana ma3aref hal friend laykon no3a ely esoolif o yagreg o madry shno o wallah kaifa ana ba5eth my ipod and plug it in o bag3ad asma3 o I’ll ignore (:  that’s what I usually do anyways if I don’t want to talk or shy to or anything like that I just go to my lala land :D

Hamad: halaaa 3asa ga3adtik mn ilnooum … la 9ijj zain ashwa…ba3ad tadry omy yat o chethy 7ata ma re7t el dewaniya… inzain agol 3endik shy … 7ady mayet daye5 o hal e5t mu ra’9ya teg3ad ela tnaa’9ef el she8a….mashkoor wallah matga9er yala na6reenik

Me: * giving him the look *

Hamad: shfeech ba3aaad !

Me : el e5t haa ya kalb ya 7maar !! enzain ana awareek

Hamad: shtabeeny agool *mimicking * e5ty el 3azeeza el ‘3alya el daloo3a ?  *let out a loud laugh *

Me: chub !

Hamad was still laughing he loved teasing me "his little sister" but he still loved me o when i gets mad at him, he apologizes before sleeping, he likes sleeping bedon ham (couldn’t find the right word).

And before he knew it i was walking down the stairs even though i could have taken the elevator but instead i used the stairs. On the other hand Hamad took the elevator so he could catch up with me. He finally ran down the last flight of stairs.

Hamad: Saroo heyy siis

Me : shtabby!!

Hamad : I was joking * puppy face * (holding his arms out for a hug)

Me: forgive or revenge mmm na I’ll go with forgive this time since im here all my myself  ok ok  (clasping into his arms and hugging )

Hamad: yalla lets go sit on the benches 3ala ma eye

He placed his hand on my shoulder and walked me to the bench where we sat and he called mom and told her we were fine we also got a chance to chat to the twins. And 5 minutes later Hamad’s friend arrived and so i had to hang up.




  1. HeeeeYaaaaa !!!!!! FIRST :D:D



    I just started reading your story ou im literally HOOKED wallah!!I have a feeling his friend is Dhary!
    aamazing story, keep going! ;*

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Faroufa ;p agool zain mnii ketabt shy

    Bee hehe ;;* thankyou i will

    um flfola laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2 mesaaaa77t your comment bl '3ala6 b/c kaan feeeh 2 mesa7t-hom bl '3ala6 !! :S:S comment again soryy wallah soryy



    hehehe;p cant wait :D
    see ya soon ;)

    and thankyouu again;*


  8. Lulu OK OK OK xD

    Anonymous awal shy which one are you :$ :S ....e7sasiich 8awy bs mu akeed!

    Essay yourwelcome luvv ;*
    u too ;D
    and yourwelcome again;;** :p
    and the writer really really appreciates you reading it :)
