Thursday, June 17, 2010

Heal Me 6

This post is long !! :D 3adaltah ;D ;pP  okayy so read it and tell me what you think contact me 3ala this email ... (emails please not msn (: )

We got into the car Hamad said hi and i sat behind Fahad so that he cant see me that way and plugged my I pod into my ears and off i headed to my lala land.


Hamad turned to find me lost basically, he let out a laugh and his friend suspected there was something wrong …


Fahad : shfeek 5bl te’97ak bro7ik ?

Hamad: haha la2 shof el habla ely warak ya3ny mesta7ya …

Fahad : e7med rabik e5tik 9a7ya o teste7y feha o2oona ellyy 3endena yeeewww 9bay ! bema3na el kalema o 8emat el defasha

Hamad: hhaha la 9ij 3ayal el 7emdella bs ham hathy shwaya 5ebla


By then the song that i had on play stopped and so i over heard what he just said and i thought i’d stay quite till we got to our destination and continue listening to their conversation.


And after their long and not lasting gossip we finally reached our destination to Giant another grocery store Fahad says it has much more supplies than seven eleven (the ba8ala :p ). I was the first to get down i grabbed a trolley and went in.


Hamad: swaiiraaa hooob!!

Me: shfeeek

Hamad: shway shwayy shfeech 6ayra

Me: yal tafih bs enta lo taskit I’d be in peace *shuts her eyes *

Fahad lets out a unique yet funny laugh… ( okay so ana wayed asma3 sowalif awadem o mat’9a7ik b a’67aak 3ala ‘9a7kat-hom b/c el ‘9a7ka a’97ak mn el salfaa xD)

I stare at Fahad and give him the *My death stare * while my eyebrows play their role with my eyes

Me: kilish may’9a7ik !!

Hamad: oohh zain ta6awer gamat tet7acha el 7emdella  * yerfa3 eeda chna yad3y* 3abaly allah ma36eeny e5et 6arma...enshaalaaah ma taklin rfeejyy ya3nyy !

Me :   :O haaa …enzain enzain la3alimkom athnainkom

Fahad: ana ma sawait shy …

Hamad: wala ana….3a8bayy hatha   * pointing at a random guy in the store and smiling*

Guy: did you just point at me ??

Hamad: oh I was just showing my girl how hot american guys are ;)

Guy : ahh but im Canadian 

Fahad: kaaaaak ga9at wayh xD

Hamad: yeah same thing both are white and blonde ;D

Guy : yeah well nice meeting you …


By then I have got to the cleaning supplies isle, then both Fahad and Hamad showed up and they asked if they could help because they got bored of wandering around and not knowing what to buy. Iasked them to get eggs, milk , junk, and cheeses.


They got back and dropped the stuff into the trolley and i was still holding the same product and reading the ingredients.


Fahad: e5tik shetsawy :O mn 9ijhaaaa 

Hamad: olaa intay lail7in maska nafs el dettol  ily tawa inshallah ma tegrain kl el ingredients!! Ba3ad dettol shbetelgaiin feeeh HATHA DETTOL!!…mara7 in5ali9 chethy ya5y 7athfay o imshay

Me: ok (: 5al a9eer mo2adaba la his friend e6aye7 el meyana 7ady maly 5lga…


We got all that was needed from A-Z they got to the cashier and i took the envelope that my mom gave me for our first days in America out of my purse and handed it over to Hamad but he insisted in paying and that i should keep the money for myself .


Me: thankyou Hamad (i flashed him with a smile and he blinked back)


As we got outside Hamad pushing the trolley and Fahad and me walking by the side … 5 men that were in their mid- 20’s  that were drunk and especially it was a Friday night so it seems that they’ve got their drink and they got out of the night club . They were heading their way obviously to mess with them they tried to ignore but those jerks seem to follow.


Drunk guy #1: ohh yooo billadin ! how are ya!! come hereeee

Fahad knew how to get rid of those people as he thought “el 7egran ega6e3 el me9raan” wont work with this type of guys.

Fahad: Sara …catch * he tossed the keys to her * deshay da5el o geflay el beeeban!!

Me: enzain

Fahad: bser3aaa

Me : yuma shg3d e9eer ;S


Hamad and Fahad tried to get along with the drunk guys and kind of played along and said they gotta go…and as soon as they were out of sight i was told to unlock the door by showing me in visuals from outside the car so they could take a drive back home, but as soon as they got in i splashed them with questions …


Me: you know them ?

Fahad : laa2 bs that’s how you deal with them well not you its better if it was a guy you know matadrin hathail shesawon…bs go with the flow ;) ba3dain eventually they go

Me: ahh

Hamad: uff mayet 7ady daye55

Me: haay ra7 t3adel weyaaay !! lazm ina’9if el she8a kelha spiders o insects waai3 !

Hamad: eee ka o hatha ely yamy shfaydeta ena’9if weyaana 3ashan n5ale9

Fahad : ya 3aammy zain ana 5al ana’9if she8ety 3ashan ana’9if she8etik, enas ya3zemon o e6ab5on o hatha ya3zem o ekadesh

All: hahahha


It took us about 6 minutes to reach our apartment we got down Fahad helped with the things he took them up to the door of the apartment and left. I cleaned the kitchen spotless and placed all the food supplies in the fridge and cleaning the drawers and everything. I changed the bed sheets for my careless brother who threw himself on the couch and slept. Then I woke him to go sleep in the room and I went to my room after him.


The next day Hamad was awakened by a disturbing phone call…

Hamad: hello … mm … yes….so when is the deadline? … ahh then I’ll see and contact you asap....does my sister have to come too or is it okay if I’m her brother … Ah okay that’s good...thankyou bye


*knock knock *

Hamad: come in , Saroona ?

Me: yupp its me, whho was it ,that just called … (rubbing me eyes )

Hamad: egolon the university el applications we have to fill them so ana asawy maly o malich, fa mu lazm tyeen

Me: ahh wain elyoum any plans ?

Hamad: mmm do u have any ideas ?

Me : we sure need new furniture this bed is so uncomfortable and the sofa and everything! We need modern ! and…

Hamad: bs bs 5ala9 benroooo7 ! xD

Me: hahaha :$  (I blush 3ala everything then I look down and covers my face that’s the typical me !)

Hamad: hehehe my princess ;* (hugging me ib 8emat il difasha) yallah badlay o get ready 3ashan we go to McDonald’s  breakfast o go looking for furniture in Bed Bath & Beyond or Crate and Barrel o ako wayed eb this mall nesayt esma…as2al Fahad ba3dain…

Me: laa o mno el queeen 

Hamad: Mortyy ! :D

Me: laa wallah a'3aaar may9eeeer ;p

Hamad: enzain 5ala9 both of you are my queens ;p happy

Me: eeeeeeeh (:


We both got dressed ofc Hamad was first and he waited for me I simply couldn’t find stuff so I just settled on my training suit which was at the top in my huge suit case.

Me: Hamaaaadoo we sure neeed a new closet…

Hamad: entay awaal lebsaay !

Me : im done …there ? good or hailegy

Hamad: waiii3 offf yal jeker yeeeeww

Me : heeeeyy btw gam t3ayeb 3ala roo7ik too as we all have been told im a copy paste of you xD

Hamad: la el naas tge9 3alaich because ana mazyon o 7adich jeekara fa ya3ny  ege9on 3alaich eshabhoonich feni  ;p

Me: a’67aaaak ! la pls dalde8ny !

Hamad: wallaaah ( getting to his feet)

Me: laaa  pls pls (stoping him with my hands before he even approached me ) tara abool eb 9erwalyy xD o a2a5rik ezyada hahahhaha

Hamad: layy7ooooshikk hahahha yalla wallah mafeech shy , meshaina?

Me: yala ;D


We had Hamad’s car brought back so he got in and placed the address of both stores on the GPS  so that we could leave straight after our breakfast.


Hamad: stay or take away ?!

Me: lets eat inside 3ashan may9eer 7oosa bl car (:

Hamad: gd idea sararallyy

Me: afa 3alaiik Hamadallyy ;D


That was how we used to call each other when we “esta3be6” with our cousins at gatherings and places like shalaih and wafra. We all add the “ally” at the end of each cousin’s name its like family tradition hahaha ;p.

We got in and ordered 2 egg Mc Muffins meals  + one egg Mc Muffin Sandwich for greedy Hamad xD this guy is like head over heals for food we always tease him that someday he’ll get to marry a Food lady that was made of chocolate and all types of his favorite food. And guess what he never gains weigh his still the old good looking Hamad from High School with a well- built body and all.

While we were eating Hamad tried nakiting some nikats on his me… there goes one of them …


Hamad: Saraa … wa7d dash McDonald’s mayeet you3 dash shaaf swaiira da5el chan egool a3ooth bellah ‘ba3asel eeedy mn mcdonald’s 5alaaaa9 …

Me: am I supposed to laugh at this one ….( and the mla8a continues …on and on)


As soon as we were done i carried the tray since here in America you had to take your trash yourself there’s no such thing as “the cleaner guy will come take “  well that didn’t exist in the American system people. So i just took it to the huge trash thingy and placed the tray above it. And we headed to the parking to get going to the malls and stores.


  1. love the post lol 7amad 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeb shb9eeeeeeer???????? post sooooooooooon

    um flfola

  2. love it cant wait for then next post :)

  3. EL POST 7daaaaaa 3jeeeeeeb madliarALLY :P:P LUUUUV YOU + I MISS YOU SIS ;****

    MAdliaar bcher ra7 to9aal motay mn el 7raa ;PP ra7 teg3den ebrou7ich ;P:P

    Luv yaa

  4. amazing post! ;D
    cant wair for the next..;)


  5. um flfola mara7 goolich nanana ;p haha

    Faroufa i love you more and i miss you too ;;* intay el 3ajeeba sis 7abiich :*
    i knw 3ady baroo7 shopping o london :D o scotland ;) ;p

    Essay thankyouu ... :) and yourwelcome :D
