Monday, June 14, 2010

Heal Me 2


um flfola

So I woke up to a non-stop poking from that jerk sitting next to me !

3ad ana mu bas atnarfaz o 5a9atan laman a7ad ega3edny mn el noum o ana a9lan bel yallah nayma o etha gemt batwahag o mara7 alga shy asaweeeh

Me: iff ent shtabyy ana mu glt banam laish tyaneny ! el7in teg3ad tagreg fog rasy ! 9a7!

Guy : la e5ty bs omich tabeech (pointing at her mom who was the one who actually ordered him to poke her )

Me : oohhhh ! hii mom (yawning and covering my mouth)

Mom: sara mama bsich noum gomay ‘3aslay wayhich 3ashhan bno9al ba3d 45 minutes

Me: okay (straitening my chair) ifff hatha mo moreee7 my back it3awerr

Guy : ayy mo moree7 el e5t ma5tha ra7tich o met7arka walaa 1000 mara o tgolinly el nouma mu moreee7a !

Me: kalamtik ?

Guy : aaa777 ( dagra 8aweyaa)


I got up walked to the tinniest toilet ever and locked the door which I used to leave open when I was little I thought it wouldn’t open b/c wallah its hard to unlock and lock it I hate those doors!! They freak me out!


When I was done I headed to my moms seat while there was no one beside her I chatted with her a little….


Me: mama wetha may7ebony my cousins o brothers o noura o fares o feda ):

Mom: yuma akeeed be7ebonich you are they’re aunt after all and let me tell you something about Hamad he always wished to have a younger sister so he should be looking forward to meet you and aziz is too kind to do or act harshly and all I heard about noura is that she the most adorable sister in-law (she leaned in and patted my shoulders) they’ll love you all of them I know that (she smiled)

Me: yeah your right o ashwa enhom little so ma shafaw wayed nas so I wont be really new to them , I cant wait to meet Hamad , ahh so cute old bro and his wife and cant wait to see her too aby I go out with her and shop and have fun with her and let her be my sister …

Mom: inshhalah kl shy sahalaat saroona;;*

We chated and chatted then as the captain announced for the landing I had to get back to my seat next to the freak

Me :Bye mama 5al aroo7 mokanyy

Mom: yalla bser3a and buckle up hun!

Me: okaay

I went back and found freako in my seat enjoying the view …

Me: heyy that’s my seat !! goouum

Guy : bs ana aby ag3ad yam el window !

Me: bs ana 7ajzaa hnee 3ashan yam el window o 9ert b3eda 3an omy o el7in ta5eth mokany

Guy : ana bag3ad bl landing mafeh farg ge3day mokany!

Me: iff ge6eee3a (I quickly hurried and threw the pillow and blanket on his face since it was on my new seat)

Guy : laaiiish ya3ny laaiiish!! kl hatha 3ashan el window seat ! yaheell

Me: 6aa3 hatha ma7ad ‘3airik el yahel !! agolik goum tgooly ‘Doory bl landing’ (mimicking his voice) mn meta  we take turns eb airplane seats ?

Guy : entay shet5arbe6in weya wayhich ago lbs ge3day o reb7ay le7zaam bsich 7anaa ba6aiitay rasyy

Me: agoooool ma7ad ba6 rassy ‘3airik ..ge6eeee3a

Guy: hal banaaaat klhom wa7ed walla mara sheft wa7da matgool ‘ge6eee3a’ !!

Me: iffff bs bss eskiiiitttt wallah el7in a5aleee hathy tyeebly lazag , alazeg feeh 7algik

Guy: off 8aweyaa 5al askit layy7oooshikk

And finally he shut his mouth and the plane started to lower down till it hit the ground and started to gain its stability and control of its speed, I got scared so 7a6ait eddy 3ala el thingy on my right to hold on to it tight…and surprisingly I found Mr.Freako’s hand there , I actually touched it and shivered



So freak guy is hot I must admit that, but that doesn’t mean I have to get to know him and im desperate and blah blah…u see I don’t like opening up to guys that I met hours ago , eventhough I’ve lived in Britain for as long as I can remember but I wasn’t allowed to do what my friends did like dating and going to mixed parties and having a boyfriend was restricted. But I had guy friends once over but with my moms supervision and all we did was watch a movie and worked on our stupid history research and that’s it so I didn’t want to get to know the guy and notice that I did not ask for his name !



Me: waaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii333

Guy: shda3waa 3ala mo5ich ely egool maska eeed zheeewyy

Me: ma7ad 6elab rayik raja2an eskit

Guy: ete7acha 3anyy ashkaaraa o etcha3emny , ya5yy hathy madry shloon 9ayyraa

Me: 3ala fekra tara ga3da asme3ik

Guy: eee a7saan 3ashan t7esin feenyyy !

Me: ay e7saaas ay ba6ee5 ent wainik wain el a7aseees

And the blabber mouth kept talking and I ignored (: laman we actually reached where we are supposed to get down from to our baggage claim. I quickly got up tried to pull my bag from under his foot bs kanat im3algaa …

Me: mattsheel reeelik yalaaa baroo7 waray awadem at3araf 3alaihom

Guy: roo7y entay o jan6etich(moving his foot) ,atmanalich eb hal sneen el yaya 7ayat af’9al mn el 3eesha lem3a8eda hathy

He actually made me laugh somehow but at the sam time I got pissed how could he say that enshallah mu chethy ashkara bl wayh egol ena my life is a mess ma3a wayha !! se what I mean chat with them for minutes and they’ll act like they’ve known you for years!


I just walked away from him and headed down those stupid stairs that took me to the baggage claim, I found my mom waiting at the bottom of the stairs I hugged her and smiled.


We walked into the huge place where all baggage claims from different planes were. We waited near our one till our bags came out, they were out so quickly because they had a tag saying that we were In First Class blah blah …the Indian dude pushed our carriage thingy for our bags, we walked passed him while he pushed the thing behind us, I was so shy there was faces all over the place it was mid- may and 3a9er time and no one was at the airport and I could tell that the bunch of people there on our right were my family.


We walked out of the metal fences my mom turned and saw a guy who came rushing towards her and hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. Then came another one who did the same thing and then a pretty young lady  approached my mom and welcomed her with kisses and a hug. There was two adorable babies in their trolleys I guess those were my niece and nephew my mom kissed both of them and rushed to see mort 3amy  since the last time she saw her was what 17 years ago ;\\

There was a girl in between the people (my new family) who was smiling the whole time and so i smiled back 7aram at least she's smiling i don't want to look mean o chethy...

I stood there like I was lost wallah I was going to cry you guys cant imagine this they all knew my mom but I don’t know them and they do not know me. Surprisingly no one approached me or shall i say ana ma re7t asalim because i felt it was awkward I was lost seriously 7ata madry shasawy I just turned around and waited…


  1. FIIIIIIIRST ;D no enjoy 7ag habahebo :(

  2. 7beebty el post 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb i really enjoyed it loool the guy o sara yetha7koooooooooooon a7is ra7 y7eboon ba3ath lool madri laish post sooooooooooon

    um flfola

  3. habahebo ;;* wallah ehemich el post el yay dorich (;

    um flfola entaaay el 3ajeeeba wallah , heheh okay ;)

  4. 3ajeeeeeeeeeeb yaa madliaar 7daa 3ajeeb teslam eedech 3la hl 6ab5a lol 7da shako bs chthy kifi bagoul 6ab5a :P

  5. faroufa ... e5ty entay 9a7ya ? a5af yanaitay ? ;p

  6. OMG sometimes when i meet new ppl and i dnt kno how to apporch them i turn around i try to hide from them but what if those new ppl were my family seriously OH MY GODD
