Monday, June 14, 2010

Heal Me 1

Here goes the first part enjoy (:

Mom:Sarah, honey are you done with packing? (omy bedat et7n.)

Me:yumaaa way geltlich b3adel b3dain… taw el nas el 6ayara b3d sboo3

Mom:y3ny lazm 7azat el 7aza! 5al ashoofich etgoleen nseet shay... … oo 3ala fekra abeech etsheelen kel a’3ra’9ich coz we’re never coming back

Me :yumaaa y3ny shba5th bas b76 hdoomy oo some other stuff… 5o you’re not selling the house, aren’t you?

Mom: No, but I don’t think we are ever coming back. This is not home!

Me: This is not you’re home but this is mine! I was born and raised here!

It’s not my fault my mom left her country. Its not my fault my dad divorced her. It’s not my fault I didn’t see him. Its not my fault I don’t know how my brothers looked like! It all my parents’ fault!

I have two brothers by the way. I’m eighteen and I haven’t met any of them. I haven’t even met my dad and I’m not going to coz he’s already dead! My mom kept me a secret from him. No one of my, or should I say her, family knows about me except for murt 3amy. She’s nice. She’s the one who tell my mom about my brothers.

My dad divorced my mom for basically no reason! They were just not meant to be! She never got the chance to tell him about me… as soon as he divorced her, she ran to the United Kingdom.

I never hated my dad. My mom says he is a good man. But her family and his family forced them to marry each other… They tried to love each other but none of them ever did. They had kids but that didn’t change anything. My dad was a very busy, busy businessman… He just wanted a son to carry his name and he got two and me.

My mom told me that one of my brothers, Azeez got married to a girl that was chosen by murt 3amy. Her name is Nora. They are both happy with each other el 7mdellah.

7amad is my other brother who is 27 years old. He finished Medicine in one of the best Universities in the US, HARVARD! I guess he’s a nerd after all, HARVARD? Wow! Mshallah 3alaiihh … how come im not that brainy like him ;\ (wondering)

Anyway, I’m gonna meet them next week. I’m not that excited about it. I feel that we are just going to visit some friends and then come back home. 

I don’t how will my brothers react when they see me or when they see my mom. I just hope that they will be nice to her. She has been through a lot!

The week passed by, we packed our stuff and went to the airport. My best friend was with me … I don’t how I’m gonna say bye to her.

Fa6om: you better not forget me! wallah yaweelich ana ra7 ard el Kuwait oo bazoorich!!!! Enzain !

she’s Kuwaiti. Her father works in the Embassy of Kuwait there. We’ve been friends since 5thgrade. I love her so much… I can’t believe I’m actually leaving her.

Me: How can I ever forget you ya 7mara. Oo ‘3a9ban 3aleech betzooreeny… oo besides I’m not leaving for long I’m going to come back for University, aren’t I?

Fa6om: ee adry bas omich mu ra’9ya etrdeen hnee!!!! Betroo7een America m3a okhooch!

Me: 5al ewaly zain… hatha kela 7achy... omi eb kaifha em8arera

Mom: la 3ayal 3abalich ba5aleech 3ala kaifich (oh shitt she was listening )

Me: ee yuma bas I’m 18… I’m responsible.

Mom: bel Kuwait you have to be 21 3ashan… (I cut her )

Me: who cares I’m not Kuwaiti

Mom: athakrich ! 3endich jensytain entay! Oo b3dain e7a9lich et9eereen kuwaitya!

Me: kuwaitya oo 3mry ma 6abeet el Kuwait! 7emdella weshker

Mom: enzain enzain yala bala garga … yalla salmay 3ala Fa6ooma l2n lazm endish al7een ma bga shay oo et6eer el 6ayara…

Me: yumaaaa bagy 30 minutes laish endish el7inn!

Fa6om: waaaay walla ra7 olaaah 3aleeech  (hugging each other tightly)

Me: hey hey ne6ray! Mu al7eeen tabcheeen! Many dasha al7een

Mom : Saraaah sem3ay el kalam

Me: yumaaaa ee laish al7een

Mom: (here we go again) mu entay kelshay tabeen etsaweena 7azat el 7aza… … fa6ooma ta3aly 5al asalm 3aleech oo g3day ma3a saroona 3ala ma aroo7 akalm Nada” (nada is mort 3amy the one who updated my mom about my brothers)

I kept chatting with fa6oom and found new ways how to communicate with each other from those far distances …lol and she threatens !! xD

Fa6om: wallah if you don’t call me kl youm and update me about your life im coming to get you the next day ! fahma ?!?!

hahahahahhaa I burst out laughing ,she sounded like my boss or something but I just said inshallah and obeyed , she hugged me tight and whispered ….

Fa6om:gonna miss youu loveyy doveyy

 I hugged tigher and whispered back

Me : mee too fateeeeemah

hehehe okay so is school teachers don’t know how to ponounce fatoom’s name so they’re like ‘FATEEEEEEEEEMAH ‘ and me I always annoy her at malls and with our kuwaity friends… hahaha u just have to hear them xD

TJ fatoom’s embassy driver was waiting I waved goodbye and said “

Me: bbye TJAAAAY no more picks up every morning hahaha

and he smiled and waved back…

Fa6oom was walking back to him and I started walking to my mom as I turned for the last look she was about to turn too !! I blew her a kiss and she blew me a kiss in return. I turned and walked to my mom like I’m ready now type of look.

Me: yalla mama (smiling)

Mom: yallaa

My mom could e described as the happiest women on earth at that time matetwaqe3on shkether kanat mestansaa ! ena ehya betshoof 3yalha o mort weldha o her grandson and granddaughter Fares & Feda who were 1 and yes they are twins!!! (I cant wait to see them 7ady a7eb kids u cant imagine like since I was a kid I loved kids I’ve always wanted a baby sister or brother) wallah I don’t blame my mommy for getting over whelmed about going back to Kuwait.

I got my niece and nephew toys from the shops that were by our gate well 5arabee6 its like to bribe them 3ashan e7ebony ;p hehehe then we went in I sat by my window seat while my mom took hers which was a row away and the other side of the plane

I sat and fiddled with my bag for my phone I found it and started bbming fa6om who was on her way back home from the airport I chatted and chatted, then the captain announced :

Captain : please remain seated and buckle up we are now taking off

I buckled up and sat straight and started reading do3a2 el rkooob mal el sayara

A guy in his mid-twenties came rushing towards the seat next to mine with nothing in his hand other than his boarding ticket and his phone, he looked like he just won a mile race, he settled and buckled up …

Guy: al salam w 3alaikom

-Ignorance from sara (she never opened up quickly to new people she met so ignoring was her thing)

guy : el salaam la allah ya bnayaa

Me: wa3ailikom el salam !

Guy: t9adgin tshabin wa7ed a3arfaa bs mu gader astaw3eb mno

Me : ok so … I cant tell you whether I look like my dad or my brothers because you see I’ve never met them and I do not know how they look like  so that question of yours should’ve been in your head ! Get it ?

Guy : OLAAAAAAAH shno hatha kl hatha 9ayer ib 7ayatich

Me: I prefer you lower your voice and be quite I need to get some sleep (6ab3an mara7 anam enshalah mu tawny ga3da o banam  bs I really need him to stop talking to me like seriously do I know you)

He stayed quite for about 10 minutes and as soon as the plane took off Sara went crazy searching for gum in her bag! she found it threw one in her mouth and closed her eyes tight and offered some to the guy he took the pack and then handed it back over after taking a piece.

Guy: mashookra

Me: el 3afo

And then I slept 5 hours mn el mlaal I seriously had nothing else to do o 7ady maby ajabel el a55 el yamy so I pressed the buttons on the side till my chair was as flat as a bed.


  1. el pooooooooost 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb laykooooooooon hatah rfeeej 7amad 9aaa7 ma3'aira?? pooooooooost sooooon love yoou

    um flfola

  2. aaaaaaaah i wanna be first :( and ashwaa ennech ghayartehaa oo i hope 9araw less characters ;p loooveee u moooooooooooooooooore ;******* im gonna read now brb ;)


  4. oooohhhhh i love its way better then the last one :D

    next post pweeeezzzz.. pls ASAP! ;D
    can u have different font colors for the character pls? ;$ its easier to read :)

    thankuuu.. post soon ;)

  6. om flfola hehehe , mara7 agoolich ee aw la2 entay eb tektashfain (; i will post el7in :D love you too

    HaBaHeBo lool eeeee 9araw less !!! ;D love you moree

    Fallen Angel:7ada waay better lol at least ana afhamha ba3ad laman i write it xD

    Anonymous: thankyou, i'll seee etha 3endy time i will see etha 3endy time because right now im on vacation o ham im writing ;p

  7. Madliaaar 7da 3ajeeb el post ;*** shakilha el 8e9a 7ilwa mithlech ;P hahahaa

    madliar I miss you alah yhadach hadeteny w en7eshtay haa ?!! ana a3lmich ;**

  8. faroufa ;;* i miss you tooo ;;* hehehe radatlich lat7aatin ;*

  9. looks like an interesting story wa fe shai wara el guy akeed
