Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heal Me 7

sorry girlss i know te2a5art 3aalaaikom bs we were moving from a house to a hotel it took hours to pack and move the bags and blah blah so ma gedart i post oo now el 7emdella the hotel's suite feeh the wire thingy ely you connect it to your laptop o yashbekk 3ala 6oul :D 


Fallen Angel ;;*

We got to the car turned on the radio and it was a long quite ride. As we got there the tour guy showed us all types of furniture styles. Hamad was okay with my taste in everything. We settled on simple stuff and not to spend thousands of dollars on apartment furniture and got a really modern yet comfortable sofa’s for the living room. We bought new showers and counters for the kitchen and toilets.

Guy: what colour would you like your sofa’s to be in madam ? is white fine?

Hamad: (intruding …7ada mala 5elg o yaby e5ali9 he actually got bored) YES!

Me : NOO ! White isn’t good dirt shows on white what other colours does it come in?

Guy: brown beige black white and that’s all

Me: white and black are on my black list….hamaaaaad!! beige or brown ??!

Hamad: mala da3yy le9raakhh ! beige will do !? (he knew she'd never agree)

Me: no I think we’ll take brown and that’s it (:  thanks !

That’s what i usually do take his opinion then go with the opposite he used to get pissed but know he’s kind of used to it its like part of his routine I do it when choosing restaurants, places …basically  E V E R T H I N G !

Guy: I’ll have it delivered today , and they’ll put them in place for you , thankyou !!

After Hamad paid at the cashier and we signed all papers and got new bed sheets and blankets.on our way back Hamad called a cleaning company and the exterminator.  

We9alna the complex mal our apartment, the cleaning dudes were already here they actually took out all our furniture and cleaned the apartment ba3dain we told them to take the furniture to an orphanage or something. The furniture arrived next rakebaw everything and replaced every old thing with a new one. And last came the exterminator guy with his stuff that looked so disgusting, wai3 ya3ny el insects ebro7hom et2ariif o el ashya2 ely yethbe7onhom feeha ham a5yaas ba3ad !!  : |….when everything was done and we can settle and rest Hamad threw himself on the couch and went to sleep, while I tried to surf for a cool movie to watch. Bs I couldn’t find one so gelt adeg 3ala faroos athakra eb esmy xD

Calling Home Sweet Home

Me: aloo

Mom: saraaaaa ! shloonich yuma shsawaitaw elyoum?

Me: hala mama ana tmam, wallah elyoum re7na sharaina athaath o ashya2 7ag el she8a lem3afna

Mom : aah zain zaain

Me: mama wain faroosi !

Mom: kaho myanena bs e3afer madry shfeeh …hach kalmeeh

Faroosi: hmmm

Me: faroosii goool S-A-R-A !!

Faroosi: naaw

Me: laiissshhh !!

Faroosi: Taiifyy !

Me: ba3aaaad e3areef kaiify o may3areff esmy el kalbb !

I heard faroosi on the background mumbling to his mommy and handing the phone over…

Me: fares wainiikkk !! abeeek

Noura: mataabeeeeenyy ! taraa az3aaal

Me: laa laa abeech 3abalyy wada el phone 3end omy tawny imkalmat-ha ;p

I chatted with Noura she told me about some cool malls here since she was here with Azeez gabl cham sena 

I hung up then and called fa6oom I didn’t call her today, she said she’s finally coming here I told her she could stay here with us my room would fit two a9lan and she’s attending the same university and I hope same classes too. We chatted and chatted then she excused herself , she said she's going out with our friends gitlaha tsalim 3alaihom and then we hung up!

Me: ifff Hamaaaaad taraaa ana malaaaaaytt ! 5an6ali3 el ps3 o nel3ab shy ! HAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD

Hamad: ana mu gayelichh lat9ar5in ba6aiitay athoony!! (stretching) mako games 5anro7 neshtery yedad el7in mn Best Buy la3at chabdy mn hathayl ely 3endena

Me: okaaay I don’t care, anything 3al a8al asawy shy !! malaytt !!!!! :S

Hamad: enzain yalaa

We headed to the car it was a long ride it took about 30 minutes to get to where we were going, I know its long time bs wallah here mat7eson bl wagt, madry laish bs I didn’t feel the time pass by :D we went in o re7na 9oob el video games

We decided to but sing star xD obviously 7agyy ana mu 7ag Hamadd! Enshallah 7amad doesn’t sing ya3ny ! bs he got lots of other CD’s including Call of duty o hal sowalif and champions league, when we payed I told hamad to take me to cheese cake factory 3ashan we buy a cake 7ag el she8a, so that laman 7a’9reta eyoo3 ana ma agoom adawer recipes o I mess the kitchen up (: im the exact opposite of mom :D

We got down and choose one of the already made cheesecakes and headed back home.

Me: hamaad wel7in shbensawyy tara ana malayt !

Hamad: badeg el7in 3al shabaab eyon hnee nel3ab ps3 !

Me: laaa o ana wain aroo7 inshallah ..

Hamad: ge3day ma3ana ;p

Me: no thankyouuu ! ana bag3ad eb dary bashoof movie in 9ara5taw ayeekom bl n3aal ;p

Hamad: ee kaifich saway ely tabin ;p …n3aaal la e5ty ‘3al6ana 96araat a7san ;p

Me: heheheh , enzain tara bachr lazm tgoum embacger you fill the applications for university

Hamad: eee adry 7e6ay alarms a5af I over sleep

Me: ok

I headed to my room the minute I entered he called of his friends to tell him to tell the others to come over then when he hung up he started screaming …

Hamad: sawaaaaaaay popcorn saralaaallyy please !! ….bro7 I take a shower 3ala ma eyon  (I popped my head from the door)

Me: Hamad popcorn shyabeeela !!

Hamad: eee entay sawaay ba5eth shower

Me: okok (I got it out from the cupboard and made 5 ! hathayll AFAA KL SHY JEDAMHOM YAKLOONA  ! )

I started reading the magazine while waiting for the popcorn to get cooked…and a minute later it beeped I got up to take it out, I found a humongous theatre plastic bowl and put all of it in ! I got the junk basket and put it on the table then I got the cooler and all soda types to the side of one of the sofa’s.

Re7t 5athayt el bag mal Best Buy o 6ala3t el movies ely sharait-hom, iff kilhom 3ajeeebin which one shal I pick , mmmm 5al a7ather walah 5oosh fekra ;D

And so The Backup Plan won ;p I took all of them to my room set my laptop on the bed with my Reese’s cups  yummmmyyyy !!! I love itt !

I got in the bathroom to change and when I was done I ran and jumped on my bed ....then THE STUPID BELL RANG !




Hamad was only wearing shorts when he opened the door with his shirt in his hands and the shouting begins !!! huuufff

They watched a little TV  I can guess then they opened the ps3 o played football/soccer(bad idea )

….: ayyywaa goooaaaaal !!!

……: 5ara bshaakkklaaa ashkaaraa mshaayyerr

….: rrooo7 zzain wallaaa aana naiishaanyy 8awyy ;p

kether 9raa5hom couldn’t watch the moviee 3adel !! b/c ana nou3y ma7eb a7e6 earphones 7ag movie e2atheeny fa I like it loud from the laptop itself , fa ma shefta o fehamta so nemt mn 9ra5-hom , sometimes I like sleeping bl hdou2 0or bl 9ra5 so I didn’t mind them…

I woke up the next day at 12 pm (ya3ny il ‘9her ) umbaaaayyy nemt wayyeddd !!! waaaiiy iff ashkaaraaa ra7 anam early elyoum ! (ok so 9eer feekom laman etnamon waayedd o laman e9eeer belail tdo5on bser3a ?? well ana chethy e9eeer feeny fa law anam shwaya a7saaan b wayed !! so lots of sleeping means get sleepy quickly )


I went to the toilet changed and prayed then I took out a pullover from my closet because thalajt youm teyadadt and I opened the doooor ……




O  H                        M   Y                         G  O  D


  1. FIRSTTTTT !!!!! wnasaa

    WAAy yuuuuumaa shnu be9eeeeeeer !!!?????;O:O

    lol hamad w rab3a thakeroni eb my twin lemn yel3ab sony w ya5ser ye3a9eeb KAAK maskiin !!

    Ambeeee Madliaar el youm zafaaat bl emte7an :'( el a7adeth ma ketbthom nsethom mra wa7daa w el as2ela alah laywarech 9ij bada3t waay yumaa 5raa !! :((((((((((((((( :'(((

    Byee bassy gargaa ,, thnx for posting teslm edech ;** post soon pweeeez :)

  2. 2222nnnnnndddddd
    thaaaaaank u for ur daily posts ;**** miiiiiiisssss yooooouuuu :'''(

  3. shinoooo shinoo laykoon rab3a lil7een mawjoodeen aw m3afseen lool pooooooooooooost sooon la 6awleeeeeeen 3alaina :P love yoou

    um flfola

  4. Next Post Pleeeeaaaaseeee !!!
    I Love The Storyyy !!!!
    Question Is It Real Or Fiction ??
    And If Im Not Asking To Much Do You Mind Reading My Blog And Giving Me Your Notes On It :

  5. Faroufa loool mara7 agolich surprise ;p lool ur twin mbade3 eb his life ...yalla 3ady mako mo3adal le3bay le3eb ;D

    HaBaHeBo aww ur welcome bs i can't post daily re7na hotel o a7es ma yemdy madry bs etha 9ar 3endy time i will post 6ab3an ;D Miss you more ;;*

    um flfola mara7 agoolich mofaja2a :) ;p love you more hun;;*

    anonymous pls put your initial or smthin :) thankyou , its fiction ;) based on true characters and events...okay i will in my spare time ;)

  6. Reese’s cups <3

    kaaaak ashkara hamad oo rab3a naymeen bel9alla oo 3afsaa XD

  7. Lulu hehe eeeee ::*** enshoof ;p

    cant wait!

    thankyou for posting! amazing story walaa ;)

    post soon pls..;*

  9. Essay hehehe mara7 agolich :p mofaja2aaa

    yourwelcome intaw el amazing wallah , inshallah i wil;;*

    i miss you 7ady
    wai3 ta5ylaay mu 3ajbny el wa'93 hnee madry laish
    aby ard america!!!!!!!!!! :"(
    ta5ylay ana rada el kuwait ajamel Mesh3al oo M (el 7maaar el 3oud... weld H) a5er zmaaaan!!!!
    waaai3 awal ma ew9alat el 6ayara kent babchii madry laish ... 7eta lmn salamt 3al kel ma kent wayd mestansa ... weird i know bas madry sh9aar !!
    el jaaaaw 5aaaaays saroooooooon waaaaai3 elaw3 el chabd aby arrrrdd :'(
    welht 3aleech oo 3ala omich oo 3ala adood ;**
    welaht 3ala america oo 3ala elveria oo 3ala el kel!!
    takhaylay mashft faroufoo lel7een!!
    3endaha emt7anat bacher et3a6el
    fajour oo taloo yaw el ma6ar bas 3gb radaw el bait coz 3endhom ezams !!
    2 days ma shfnahom
    bas ashwa taloo oo shahood bacher e3a6loon bas fajour el khamees
    oo b3d hmm eeh awal ma radeena g3dna shway bait ragooy 3gb zagoo yat chan H etgoom oo etgoolna yala.. re7na bait bait baba 3oudna :P
    wai3 shftay el malal wain wa9alna!!!! :(

    wai3 wai3 oo yahal mesh3al oo M
    6afch eshsaweet eb M
    el wa95 madry eshmakel mn el ar'9 ana oo janoo gelnala ena etha ta7arkt al7een mn mkank ra7 etsamam oo wayhik ra7 e9eer a7mar b3dain azrag b3dain banafsjy o etmoot
    5o ohwa 7ada redy 5awaaaaf ta5aylaay ma ta7ark
    gelnala M tara 3ady bser3a tark'9 le el sreer oo etman (el tasamom ra7 eroo7 ebser3a) looool
    oo walla nam embacher esa3a 12 bleel nam!!!
    ams el bgar el athneen naymeen esa3a 4 !! ana nayma bain ez3ajhom!!! babchii shal 3esha ely ana rada 3ashanha!! ana rada 7ag hal yahal!! :"(

    oo b3d 6afich msaaa3 sh9aaaar el 95ala malat ragooy en7ashaaat bara bel shar3 oo janoo mesh3loo yel7goonha kaaaaak mu 9ij !!!!!!
    ambeeeeh walla 7emdella weshker !!
    ana ga3da bain 95oool t5ayaltaaaay !!!

    any ways i love you oo miss you wayd!!
    el kuwait bdoonich wala shay ;*

    ... delete el comment as soon as you read it! ;P

    kaaak el word verification "menthwl" chan 3arf eb 7altatna!


    i love you yal kalbaaaa ;;*

    kaiify mabyy amsa7aa <3

    awww wallaaah 7ata america ma teswa bedoonich :'( wallaaah mlaaaaaaaal 6agat chabdy bs mama o adoood are funny sometimes so ya3ny mrag3eenly el wa'93 ;p


  12. Awsome Blog.
    Im so Attached! <3

    - HEELS.

  13. HEELS
    thankyouu new reader ;;* thnks for commenting i appreciate it <3

  14. love it as always! :** keep up the good work
