Monday, June 28, 2010

Heal Me 9

Sorry sorry adry its been a week bs i couldn't post it's been a long trip ! 


Tala ;;* 

Me: uff im hungry!! Are you ?

Alanoud: mm kind of lets go watch a movie o nakl fee el cinemaa

Me: ee 9a7 gd idea im gonna check if amc has a good movie we could watch tonight ..

Alanoud: eee they do have one actually my friends ra7aw last week without me they said its amazing but heart breaking its ‘Remember Me’  and the main character is Robert Pattinson !

Me: oofff 7adna bnroo7laaa !! im in love with him! Sheftay eshlon he stares!! Way 3ajeeeebb

Alanoud: 2u2aa gurll he’s mine ;D


Alanoud: share?

Me: Sure ;p

Heheh I know neither will ever have him obviously shyaby fenaa ya3ny …so we were just messing around and so we quickly headed to the nearest mall because il movie shway o yabdy o 7adna nabyy nshoofaa!! We were both in trainings shakelha 7ada 3abee6 like walking fast yany e7na el tekana ma narke’9 to cinema hahahah;p

Alanoud: heyy shoofeee feeh 3arab 5afefeyy laterke’9yy

Me: wain …..(I looked over to where she was looking) ifff ya3ny shako eyoon

Alnoud: hahah

(lol ya3ny infront of 3arab lazm n9er ‘tekana’ ;p)

We started walking shway shway 3egob ma shefna the 5aleeji guys that were in one of the restaurants yam el cinema then 3ala ma we9alna i got the tickets waraaa a5er shy 3ashan laman ana abchy ma7ad eshofni ! o we had a deal ena ana tickets and 3anoud gets the food and drinks :p (wallah 7ag ely yabchooon kelaa rou7aw wara a7san shy)

I went to get napkins from the straws, sauces and spices area for the cinema I got a bunch of napkins ya3ny kether el box mal el tissue o another bunch 7g 3anood!

Alanoud: woooooow are we going to a funeral here ? xD

Me: no just a movie ..hehhe

Alanoud: u sure u need all this xD

Me: yes and I might ask u to get me some more when we’re in there (:

Hahaha we watched the movie its was soo heart breaking the taylor his sis his girlfriend ;( I finished the whole pack and stole some of 3anood’s napkins…then we headed to my car I dropped 3anoood to her building it was opposite direction that I go when I leave starbucks so I turn left and she turns right

It was about 11 pm I entered there was no sign of Hamad so I called to check on him he said he’ll be back in a few so I waited and while I was waiting I fell asleep on the       couch …and after about what seemed like hours hamad woke me and held my hand and took me to my room then he left and I slept till the next day…

Hamad:  saraaaa goumaayy  !!

Me: haw shesalfa hamad mayga3ed chethy ohwa ega3ed be9ra5 haaa

Hamad: el shabaab bero7on six flags teyon intay o 3anood?

Me: haa allaaaah (I suddenly I got up and sat straight looking at his face) eee wait I’ll check with her right now

I found my phone on my bedside table even though I don’t remember leaving it there I dialed  3anood’s # and she picked up after the 3rd ring!

3anood: hala sara ! laih ga3da mbaker ? lesa esa3a ma 9arat 9 !!!

Me: eeee hamad ga3adny anyways egool beroo7on six flags el guys like his friends so .. should we tag along ?

3anood: mmm yeah why not ;D when are they leaving?

Me: b3d shway get ready o nmorich we’ll go together and the rest ero7on alone

3anood: mm ok so 25 mins I’ll take a quick shower and change ;D

Me: yeah mee too (and we hung up )

I told hamad that we’re both coming he said it was about an hour drive to get there since its in New Jersey….i rushed to the toilet took a quick cold shower (first time in history bs shasawy the hot water mu ra’9yy ye6la3 bser3a !!) I quickly dried my hair and wore my oversized huge I love NY pullover, I called hamad he wasn’t in the apartment !

Hamad: ha yallah nezlay kanyy yaay

Me: mm wain re7t ?

Hamad: yebt breakfast o 5athayt fhood

Me: waii3 !! ifff hatha shako eyey fa’9ya ana 7ag ga6aatah el malee8a

Hamad: mmm sara I think u know we have the car answering phone and well yeah he heard you



Me: ohhh shittt !! nesayt 5araaa

Fahad: afaaaa el7in ana meda7tich thak elyoum o tgoolin chethy ?? 3naad ra7 ayey 3ad 7ady maly 5ilg bs 3naaaaaaad o bayanenich ba3ad

*toot  toot toooot *

Me: ambaiih that was so embarrassing!  7adyy mara7 anzl  IFFF ANA BGARAAA !!! (I shouted out to no one just to actually agree with myself)

I went down I got my ipod out of my bag and plugged it in to run away from facing both Hamad (fashaltah jedaam one of his best friends ;| ) and fahad!

I entered and found a MacDonald’s bag  obviously it’s the breakfast hamad told me about…ambaih I should text and say im sorry :S

My sms

            Sorry hamad wallah I didn’t mean to embarrass you…im really sorry :’(

We got to 3anoud’s apartment building so I texted her because I really don’t wana tallk not at this time and seconds later she came rushing out  and I received a text as soon as she entered

Hamad’s sms

            3addy mn9ijiich a9lan fhood emoon u don’t have to be sorry a9lan we laughed when u                hung up ;* its ok forget it  :p

My sms

            I love you bro

I took of my earphones off and ate the food with 3anood then we chatted then we played UNO in the car and started to count scores (its so cool UNO with scores wallah ana I never play it bs she taught me o 7ada 3ajeeba el game t9eer a7la) the cards kept falling in between the seats but we managed 

I took about an hour till we reached the place Hamad has discounts for the tickets because we’re students  so they kind of make it easier for us (you know what I mean right? )and so we got the tickets that were valid for  year, the rest of the guys followed after our car (3eshtaw ya3ny Hamad 3azemna this time )I dunno what has gone into my bro but he’s acting weird loool wallah e’6a7ik…yallah im gonna act along and lets see what happens next …first the waking up part then breakfast then its ok and now 3azemna ;p

We parked and got down salemaaw 3ala their friends and fahad kept laughing every time I looked at him :\

Me and 3anood started whispering to each other….

Me: gam tshoofina? Maynooon hatha?

3anood:  eee !! wallah madryy akeed he is…he’s weird

Me: I thought so

Hamad: SH3ENDIIKOOOM BSKOOOM 7ASHH !! (he popped his head right between me and 3anoood and we both got terrified)

Me: yumaaaa 5ara3tnyyy 7amaaad  !! ge6ee3a mn gaal gam in7esh !!!

Hamad: 7lfaaaay (questioning look and waiting for the answer)

Me: mmm ok gam in7esh bs moo feeeek !!! (I gave him my back and pulled 3anood to the gates)that’s the 7maaad I know ! thank god he’s back :D

might be posting tomorrow :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Heal Me 8

sorry girls i couldn't post ams i was packing  because i'm transferring to a new city in the states... so i coloured it just now for you before leaving (:

enjoy (:



Omg I cant believe my eyes ! ambaih la ma agdar a5af im dreaming !!! (I kept rubbing my means and started wishing that it’s a dream or something ) laaaaa2 mu dreaaam !! ifff anaa la3alimkom !

You guys think im over reacting ??! ohh noo your ssoo wrong !! you should have seen this !! ok I’ll inda let you picture it !!

So ana mu getlikom its kinda modern style American soo normal !!!t3arfon el cushions ely nsheelhom laman bena’9iff ?? !! ok 3erafthoohom hathayl kanaw bl ar’99 !! ya3ny msawinhom mo5aad laaa o tadron shno ako eb mokanaa !!! popcorn o un opened pepsi canns !! o kanaw o 7alaaaw o b6aa6 !! el and the playstation stuff were all over the place  !!! yan3y wallah loo dashin chan geltaaaaaaaw waaaiii3

La o 3ad hamad 3abala ana im kind and sweet I think he forgot that last night !!!


Hamad: haaaaaa!! Ifff lar9aar5in baanaaaaaaaaaaam ma nemt ela 5 am !!!

Me: (I barged into his rooom pointing at him) intaa heeeeeey esm3ny ... wallah el 3a'9eeem etha enta oo el 5ama rab3ibik ma yaw ena'9fooon w9akhathom oo rab el ka3ba ma ag3d wala dgeega bel she8a m3aaak ... oo b3dain laykoon 3abalkom ana bag3ad ana'9f warakom!! chayfny khadamtk enta oo wayhik.... bas ana lawreekom 7ameeer!! walla etna'9foona kelkom!!! 3a6ny telephonik

Hamad: ha? enzain enzain? b3dain adig 3alehom (and went back to sleep)


Hamad: HAAAAAAAAAA wayy3aaa shatbiin !!?

Me: agooolik 3a6ny talefooonik

Hamad: ehbtsaween shageetneeeny 5aleeny anaaam!!!

Me: Me: bagool 7ag el 7ameeer rab3ik el de3l ely 3abalhom el khadam lel7een warahom oo elag6oon w9a5hom oo al3abhom mn 3gbhom ... ya baba tara e7na mu bel kuwait oo goolhom 5al yetsan3oon!! wain ga3deeen!! walla hatheely en ma adabtlk eyahom ma6al3 swaaiiirra!!! ana awareeehom hatha wayhi etha fakraaw e6boon she8atna mara thanya!!!

Hamad: mmm bs i correct you **she8ety ana bro7y entay shtabin raza wayhich balaah ?;p intay visitor


Me: ya 7mar ana ekhtik y3ny its mine too ... oo b3daaain 3a6ny telephonik!!!!!



Hamad: way3aaaa haach hachh ! bs fikeena mn 9ra5ich ! 7asha murty moo e5ty ….allah y3eeen raylich wallah maskeeen


Me: heeey 3a6ny asamy el bogar ely ams yaw

Hamad: 7adee8at 7aywaan mu awadin

Me: ESIMHOM?????????

 khatha meny el bb oo he opened up (shesamona a broadcast msg) oo clicked on his friends names and then he handed me the bb back I snatched his phone from his hands and started texting

"Hey guys ur mess is yours and you're cleaning it! im not your maid. You better get up and get your asses right here before going anywhere and get started polishing my floor... thank you very much ... Sara, 7amad's sister


khatha meny el bb and he opened up the broadcast and started to tick the guys names that were here yesterday and supposed to get the broadcast then he handed me the bb back!!



Me: thankyou have fun cleaning and btw re7t el fill application thingy ?! (getting even angrier waiting for his response)


Hamad: mmm (scared maybe xD )eeeeee re7t re7t waalaaah knt 7a6 alarm at 8 o sawayt kilshy !!


Me: 3abaly ba3ad wela chan zedt el 3e8aab


Hamad: baa3aaaaad ashooof gamat et-haded el e5tt !  : |


Me: 3yal tet3alam ballah matgoooolyy !!!? (I left his room and went to change 7ag starbucks) BTW IM GOING TO STARBUCKS !!


Hamad: alaah weyaach 5aytoo ;p (Faroufa your word ;* )


I wore my comfy stretchy jeans they’re my best so I like them, o I wore Hamad’s huge a&f tee with sandals and took my laptop with me….


As I walked out the guys were just out of the elevator … I tapped one of the guyes shoulder and said


Me: good luck (looking down) if I don’t teach you who will ?

They laughed then entered the apartment and started mumbling stuff to each other … I suppose ga3din yet7al6emon ;p


I walked to starbucks the one 3ala golat 7amad esamoona “starbucks el 3arab”  so as you enter all you see is arabs a9lan a7es el foreigners e5afon edeshooon lool they just take their orders and leave I don’t think they ever thought of staying…

As soon as I entered I scanned the place for a table I found one that was far from everyone else bs kan feeh a 5aleejy girl sitting nearby, I dropped my stuff and made my way to the counter to give my order…


Lady : may I take your order ma’am


Me: Venti, Passion ice tea lemonade, please

Lady: sweet?

Me: yes please


I handed her the money, she gave me pennies back I dropped some of them in the donation box and took my recite to the waiting place, soon I took my order and headed back to my table, I opened my laptop screen and connected to the internet then this girl approached me…


…: hathy 7agetk ? (holding up the penny)


Me:  ummm yess I think soo thankyouu ( I smiled )

…: your welcome are you new here it’s the first time I see you… btw my name is alanoud


Me: ohh hii my name is sara yupp im new I got here with my brother Hamad


Alanoud: ohh Hamad al flanii tall ? crazy dude

Me: mmm I think that’s him xD hehehe my bro feeh a7ad may3arfa ;p e3aref el denya wel deeen


Alanoud : he’s funny oo nice to everyone oo mu shayf nafsa bas everybody loves him



Alanoud: eeh y3ny who wouldn't come on look at your brother... sorry bas he's hot

Me: waaaaaaaaai3 tara you're talking about my BROTHER here wai3 ge6eee3a tara his body sucks xD

Alanoud: I don’t love love him ;p bs u should hear what those girls say about him in university its like there’s no morning news ela HAMAD !! wallah janeenoona feeh xD they treat him like a goddess !!

Me: wooww! M3amin o5oy 3al 5arab

Alanoud : ee lazzm te9fegeehom

Me: shno ya3ny ta9fegeehom :O (my facial expression was :Oim not over reacting bs this word is scary allah yaster what it means)

Alanoud: ahh sorry mmm I think u call it 6rag something like itt !! don’t be amazed I have lots of kuwaity friends here their accent ghair bs I pick up some stuff

Me: ahh heheh its okay…

We chatted and chatted I got to know her she gathered her stuff and sat at my table, I told her about the jerks mess in our apartment and that I left so they can clean it!

Alanoud: hahah mn 9ijikk! Lol I like you !!! walahh ur like mytwin I love torturing people xD

Me: haha yeah because they thought ana yenga9 3alay o I’ll clean all that but a2a2a they’re soo wrong! 9a7

Alanoud: ahhahah yeah !!

Me: why don’t you come over to our apartment its just me and Hamad o the “5ama”

Alanoud: okay wallah I have nothing to do you can say I come here nearly everyday and do nothing !!! so I’ll come

Me: okayy walla same bs ana I started today ;p yallah lets go

We walked back to our apartment chatting about classes and majors and blah blah and when we finally reached the apartment door we heard …

….: ana mara7 amshy ela ashoof e5tik shetgool 3an tan’9efha

Hamad: yuba emshaw zain ana mayet you3 bakil

I unlocked the door with my key and entered it was quite after they heard the lock thing esketaw and they turned to face me !! (I guess they wanted response)

Me: not baad guys …bye (ohh is that fahad )

Fahad: WHAAAT ! kil hatha o not bad mn 9ijich!!!

Me: ahhaha im joking it looks great left as found

….: btw tara we cleaned the kitchen too

Me: good good ana b kent abeekom t7eson bl ta3ab la2ana el 9ara7a ana yaya adres mu ashteghel 5adama ;p I laughed

They all laughed with me

Hamad: ohh hathy 3anood mu 9a7 ;O

Alanoud: yupp that’s me ;)

Hamad: shakhbaryyy !! 7adich (he started pointing from me to alanoud and back again) t3aarfooon ba3a’9??

Me: no hamad actually we just met (I shot him with my million dollar smile)

Hamad: bnroo7 nakl then dewaniya tabin shy swaiira ?

Me: nope ! have fun and lat3afsoon el dewaniya wella a5aleekom tna’9fonha ;p

Hamad: agoooool ;p

…: maskeena ma shafat shy e7na mn awal ma dashaiinaha wa95a 3ayal shethagain et9eer youm ne6la3 ? ;p

Me: waaayy waii3 shloon ambaiihhh xD yalla bye ro7aw dewaniyatkom lem3afna o hamad ba7e6la shampoo 3nd el bab yetaba7 gabl maydesh xD (and I started pushing Hamad out and his friends in front of him)

Fahad: ana getlik feeha weswaas na’9aafa mat9adeg ya5yy !

Me: may’6aa7ik seedy yallah bara o ma ta5thon sayarty e7na bne6la3 ;p (3aala kaify a8arir )

Alanoud: what we had plans ;p

Hamad: agooool hathy sayartyy cham mara agoolich!! Entay visitor ;p

Me: 3anood yeah we just made them ;p and hamad man5ali9 ya3ny ??

And they left the apartment…while me and 3anood watched tv till it was about dinner time


i will post asap but i don't promise daily posts because this summer is a busy one wayed places i don't think i have time but I'm gonna finish the story i promise :*

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heal Me 7

sorry girlss i know te2a5art 3aalaaikom bs we were moving from a house to a hotel it took hours to pack and move the bags and blah blah so ma gedart i post oo now el 7emdella the hotel's suite feeh the wire thingy ely you connect it to your laptop o yashbekk 3ala 6oul :D 


Fallen Angel ;;*

We got to the car turned on the radio and it was a long quite ride. As we got there the tour guy showed us all types of furniture styles. Hamad was okay with my taste in everything. We settled on simple stuff and not to spend thousands of dollars on apartment furniture and got a really modern yet comfortable sofa’s for the living room. We bought new showers and counters for the kitchen and toilets.

Guy: what colour would you like your sofa’s to be in madam ? is white fine?

Hamad: (intruding …7ada mala 5elg o yaby e5ali9 he actually got bored) YES!

Me : NOO ! White isn’t good dirt shows on white what other colours does it come in?

Guy: brown beige black white and that’s all

Me: white and black are on my black list….hamaaaaad!! beige or brown ??!

Hamad: mala da3yy le9raakhh ! beige will do !? (he knew she'd never agree)

Me: no I think we’ll take brown and that’s it (:  thanks !

That’s what i usually do take his opinion then go with the opposite he used to get pissed but know he’s kind of used to it its like part of his routine I do it when choosing restaurants, places …basically  E V E R T H I N G !

Guy: I’ll have it delivered today , and they’ll put them in place for you , thankyou !!

After Hamad paid at the cashier and we signed all papers and got new bed sheets and blankets.on our way back Hamad called a cleaning company and the exterminator.  

We9alna the complex mal our apartment, the cleaning dudes were already here they actually took out all our furniture and cleaned the apartment ba3dain we told them to take the furniture to an orphanage or something. The furniture arrived next rakebaw everything and replaced every old thing with a new one. And last came the exterminator guy with his stuff that looked so disgusting, wai3 ya3ny el insects ebro7hom et2ariif o el ashya2 ely yethbe7onhom feeha ham a5yaas ba3ad !!  : |….when everything was done and we can settle and rest Hamad threw himself on the couch and went to sleep, while I tried to surf for a cool movie to watch. Bs I couldn’t find one so gelt adeg 3ala faroos athakra eb esmy xD

Calling Home Sweet Home

Me: aloo

Mom: saraaaaa ! shloonich yuma shsawaitaw elyoum?

Me: hala mama ana tmam, wallah elyoum re7na sharaina athaath o ashya2 7ag el she8a lem3afna

Mom : aah zain zaain

Me: mama wain faroosi !

Mom: kaho myanena bs e3afer madry shfeeh …hach kalmeeh

Faroosi: hmmm

Me: faroosii goool S-A-R-A !!

Faroosi: naaw

Me: laiissshhh !!

Faroosi: Taiifyy !

Me: ba3aaaad e3areef kaiify o may3areff esmy el kalbb !

I heard faroosi on the background mumbling to his mommy and handing the phone over…

Me: fares wainiikkk !! abeeek

Noura: mataabeeeeenyy ! taraa az3aaal

Me: laa laa abeech 3abalyy wada el phone 3end omy tawny imkalmat-ha ;p

I chatted with Noura she told me about some cool malls here since she was here with Azeez gabl cham sena 

I hung up then and called fa6oom I didn’t call her today, she said she’s finally coming here I told her she could stay here with us my room would fit two a9lan and she’s attending the same university and I hope same classes too. We chatted and chatted then she excused herself , she said she's going out with our friends gitlaha tsalim 3alaihom and then we hung up!

Me: ifff Hamaaaaad taraaa ana malaaaaaytt ! 5an6ali3 el ps3 o nel3ab shy ! HAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD

Hamad: ana mu gayelichh lat9ar5in ba6aiitay athoony!! (stretching) mako games 5anro7 neshtery yedad el7in mn Best Buy la3at chabdy mn hathayl ely 3endena

Me: okaaay I don’t care, anything 3al a8al asawy shy !! malaytt !!!!! :S

Hamad: enzain yalaa

We headed to the car it was a long ride it took about 30 minutes to get to where we were going, I know its long time bs wallah here mat7eson bl wagt, madry laish bs I didn’t feel the time pass by :D we went in o re7na 9oob el video games

We decided to but sing star xD obviously 7agyy ana mu 7ag Hamadd! Enshallah 7amad doesn’t sing ya3ny ! bs he got lots of other CD’s including Call of duty o hal sowalif and champions league, when we payed I told hamad to take me to cheese cake factory 3ashan we buy a cake 7ag el she8a, so that laman 7a’9reta eyoo3 ana ma agoom adawer recipes o I mess the kitchen up (: im the exact opposite of mom :D

We got down and choose one of the already made cheesecakes and headed back home.

Me: hamaad wel7in shbensawyy tara ana malayt !

Hamad: badeg el7in 3al shabaab eyon hnee nel3ab ps3 !

Me: laaa o ana wain aroo7 inshallah ..

Hamad: ge3day ma3ana ;p

Me: no thankyouuu ! ana bag3ad eb dary bashoof movie in 9ara5taw ayeekom bl n3aal ;p

Hamad: ee kaifich saway ely tabin ;p …n3aaal la e5ty ‘3al6ana 96araat a7san ;p

Me: heheheh , enzain tara bachr lazm tgoum embacger you fill the applications for university

Hamad: eee adry 7e6ay alarms a5af I over sleep

Me: ok

I headed to my room the minute I entered he called of his friends to tell him to tell the others to come over then when he hung up he started screaming …

Hamad: sawaaaaaaay popcorn saralaaallyy please !! ….bro7 I take a shower 3ala ma eyon  (I popped my head from the door)

Me: Hamad popcorn shyabeeela !!

Hamad: eee entay sawaay ba5eth shower

Me: okok (I got it out from the cupboard and made 5 ! hathayll AFAA KL SHY JEDAMHOM YAKLOONA  ! )

I started reading the magazine while waiting for the popcorn to get cooked…and a minute later it beeped I got up to take it out, I found a humongous theatre plastic bowl and put all of it in ! I got the junk basket and put it on the table then I got the cooler and all soda types to the side of one of the sofa’s.

Re7t 5athayt el bag mal Best Buy o 6ala3t el movies ely sharait-hom, iff kilhom 3ajeeebin which one shal I pick , mmmm 5al a7ather walah 5oosh fekra ;D

And so The Backup Plan won ;p I took all of them to my room set my laptop on the bed with my Reese’s cups  yummmmyyyy !!! I love itt !

I got in the bathroom to change and when I was done I ran and jumped on my bed ....then THE STUPID BELL RANG !




Hamad was only wearing shorts when he opened the door with his shirt in his hands and the shouting begins !!! huuufff

They watched a little TV  I can guess then they opened the ps3 o played football/soccer(bad idea )

….: ayyywaa goooaaaaal !!!

……: 5ara bshaakkklaaa ashkaaraa mshaayyerr

….: rrooo7 zzain wallaaa aana naiishaanyy 8awyy ;p

kether 9raa5hom couldn’t watch the moviee 3adel !! b/c ana nou3y ma7eb a7e6 earphones 7ag movie e2atheeny fa I like it loud from the laptop itself , fa ma shefta o fehamta so nemt mn 9ra5-hom , sometimes I like sleeping bl hdou2 0or bl 9ra5 so I didn’t mind them…

I woke up the next day at 12 pm (ya3ny il ‘9her ) umbaaaayyy nemt wayyeddd !!! waaaiiy iff ashkaaraaa ra7 anam early elyoum ! (ok so 9eer feekom laman etnamon waayedd o laman e9eeer belail tdo5on bser3a ?? well ana chethy e9eeer feeny fa law anam shwaya a7saaan b wayed !! so lots of sleeping means get sleepy quickly )


I went to the toilet changed and prayed then I took out a pullover from my closet because thalajt youm teyadadt and I opened the doooor ……




O  H                        M   Y                         G  O  D

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Heal Me 6

This post is long !! :D 3adaltah ;D ;pP  okayy so read it and tell me what you think contact me 3ala this email ... (emails please not msn (: )

We got into the car Hamad said hi and i sat behind Fahad so that he cant see me that way and plugged my I pod into my ears and off i headed to my lala land.


Hamad turned to find me lost basically, he let out a laugh and his friend suspected there was something wrong …


Fahad : shfeek 5bl te’97ak bro7ik ?

Hamad: haha la2 shof el habla ely warak ya3ny mesta7ya …

Fahad : e7med rabik e5tik 9a7ya o teste7y feha o2oona ellyy 3endena yeeewww 9bay ! bema3na el kalema o 8emat el defasha

Hamad: hhaha la 9ij 3ayal el 7emdella bs ham hathy shwaya 5ebla


By then the song that i had on play stopped and so i over heard what he just said and i thought i’d stay quite till we got to our destination and continue listening to their conversation.


And after their long and not lasting gossip we finally reached our destination to Giant another grocery store Fahad says it has much more supplies than seven eleven (the ba8ala :p ). I was the first to get down i grabbed a trolley and went in.


Hamad: swaiiraaa hooob!!

Me: shfeeek

Hamad: shway shwayy shfeech 6ayra

Me: yal tafih bs enta lo taskit I’d be in peace *shuts her eyes *

Fahad lets out a unique yet funny laugh… ( okay so ana wayed asma3 sowalif awadem o mat’9a7ik b a’67aak 3ala ‘9a7kat-hom b/c el ‘9a7ka a’97ak mn el salfaa xD)

I stare at Fahad and give him the *My death stare * while my eyebrows play their role with my eyes

Me: kilish may’9a7ik !!

Hamad: oohh zain ta6awer gamat tet7acha el 7emdella  * yerfa3 eeda chna yad3y* 3abaly allah ma36eeny e5et 6arma...enshaalaaah ma taklin rfeejyy ya3nyy !

Me :   :O haaa …enzain enzain la3alimkom athnainkom

Fahad: ana ma sawait shy …

Hamad: wala ana….3a8bayy hatha   * pointing at a random guy in the store and smiling*

Guy: did you just point at me ??

Hamad: oh I was just showing my girl how hot american guys are ;)

Guy : ahh but im Canadian 

Fahad: kaaaaak ga9at wayh xD

Hamad: yeah same thing both are white and blonde ;D

Guy : yeah well nice meeting you …


By then I have got to the cleaning supplies isle, then both Fahad and Hamad showed up and they asked if they could help because they got bored of wandering around and not knowing what to buy. Iasked them to get eggs, milk , junk, and cheeses.


They got back and dropped the stuff into the trolley and i was still holding the same product and reading the ingredients.


Fahad: e5tik shetsawy :O mn 9ijhaaaa 

Hamad: olaa intay lail7in maska nafs el dettol  ily tawa inshallah ma tegrain kl el ingredients!! Ba3ad dettol shbetelgaiin feeeh HATHA DETTOL!!…mara7 in5ali9 chethy ya5y 7athfay o imshay

Me: ok (: 5al a9eer mo2adaba la his friend e6aye7 el meyana 7ady maly 5lga…


We got all that was needed from A-Z they got to the cashier and i took the envelope that my mom gave me for our first days in America out of my purse and handed it over to Hamad but he insisted in paying and that i should keep the money for myself .


Me: thankyou Hamad (i flashed him with a smile and he blinked back)


As we got outside Hamad pushing the trolley and Fahad and me walking by the side … 5 men that were in their mid- 20’s  that were drunk and especially it was a Friday night so it seems that they’ve got their drink and they got out of the night club . They were heading their way obviously to mess with them they tried to ignore but those jerks seem to follow.


Drunk guy #1: ohh yooo billadin ! how are ya!! come hereeee

Fahad knew how to get rid of those people as he thought “el 7egran ega6e3 el me9raan” wont work with this type of guys.

Fahad: Sara …catch * he tossed the keys to her * deshay da5el o geflay el beeeban!!

Me: enzain

Fahad: bser3aaa

Me : yuma shg3d e9eer ;S


Hamad and Fahad tried to get along with the drunk guys and kind of played along and said they gotta go…and as soon as they were out of sight i was told to unlock the door by showing me in visuals from outside the car so they could take a drive back home, but as soon as they got in i splashed them with questions …


Me: you know them ?

Fahad : laa2 bs that’s how you deal with them well not you its better if it was a guy you know matadrin hathail shesawon…bs go with the flow ;) ba3dain eventually they go

Me: ahh

Hamad: uff mayet 7ady daye55

Me: haay ra7 t3adel weyaaay !! lazm ina’9if el she8a kelha spiders o insects waai3 !

Hamad: eee ka o hatha ely yamy shfaydeta ena’9if weyaana 3ashan n5ale9

Fahad : ya 3aammy zain ana 5al ana’9if she8ety 3ashan ana’9if she8etik, enas ya3zemon o e6ab5on o hatha ya3zem o ekadesh

All: hahahha


It took us about 6 minutes to reach our apartment we got down Fahad helped with the things he took them up to the door of the apartment and left. I cleaned the kitchen spotless and placed all the food supplies in the fridge and cleaning the drawers and everything. I changed the bed sheets for my careless brother who threw himself on the couch and slept. Then I woke him to go sleep in the room and I went to my room after him.


The next day Hamad was awakened by a disturbing phone call…

Hamad: hello … mm … yes….so when is the deadline? … ahh then I’ll see and contact you asap....does my sister have to come too or is it okay if I’m her brother … Ah okay that’s good...thankyou bye


*knock knock *

Hamad: come in , Saroona ?

Me: yupp its me, whho was it ,that just called … (rubbing me eyes )

Hamad: egolon the university el applications we have to fill them so ana asawy maly o malich, fa mu lazm tyeen

Me: ahh wain elyoum any plans ?

Hamad: mmm do u have any ideas ?

Me : we sure need new furniture this bed is so uncomfortable and the sofa and everything! We need modern ! and…

Hamad: bs bs 5ala9 benroooo7 ! xD

Me: hahaha :$  (I blush 3ala everything then I look down and covers my face that’s the typical me !)

Hamad: hehehe my princess ;* (hugging me ib 8emat il difasha) yallah badlay o get ready 3ashan we go to McDonald’s  breakfast o go looking for furniture in Bed Bath & Beyond or Crate and Barrel o ako wayed eb this mall nesayt esma…as2al Fahad ba3dain…

Me: laa o mno el queeen 

Hamad: Mortyy ! :D

Me: laa wallah a'3aaar may9eeeer ;p

Hamad: enzain 5ala9 both of you are my queens ;p happy

Me: eeeeeeeh (:


We both got dressed ofc Hamad was first and he waited for me I simply couldn’t find stuff so I just settled on my training suit which was at the top in my huge suit case.

Me: Hamaaaadoo we sure neeed a new closet…

Hamad: entay awaal lebsaay !

Me : im done …there ? good or hailegy

Hamad: waiii3 offf yal jeker yeeeeww

Me : heeeeyy btw gam t3ayeb 3ala roo7ik too as we all have been told im a copy paste of you xD

Hamad: la el naas tge9 3alaich because ana mazyon o 7adich jeekara fa ya3ny  ege9on 3alaich eshabhoonich feni  ;p

Me: a’67aaaak ! la pls dalde8ny !

Hamad: wallaaah ( getting to his feet)

Me: laaa  pls pls (stoping him with my hands before he even approached me ) tara abool eb 9erwalyy xD o a2a5rik ezyada hahahhaha

Hamad: layy7ooooshikk hahahha yalla wallah mafeech shy , meshaina?

Me: yala ;D


We had Hamad’s car brought back so he got in and placed the address of both stores on the GPS  so that we could leave straight after our breakfast.


Hamad: stay or take away ?!

Me: lets eat inside 3ashan may9eer 7oosa bl car (:

Hamad: gd idea sararallyy

Me: afa 3alaiik Hamadallyy ;D


That was how we used to call each other when we “esta3be6” with our cousins at gatherings and places like shalaih and wafra. We all add the “ally” at the end of each cousin’s name its like family tradition hahaha ;p.

We got in and ordered 2 egg Mc Muffins meals  + one egg Mc Muffin Sandwich for greedy Hamad xD this guy is like head over heals for food we always tease him that someday he’ll get to marry a Food lady that was made of chocolate and all types of his favorite food. And guess what he never gains weigh his still the old good looking Hamad from High School with a well- built body and all.

While we were eating Hamad tried nakiting some nikats on his me… there goes one of them …


Hamad: Saraa … wa7d dash McDonald’s mayeet you3 dash shaaf swaiira da5el chan egool a3ooth bellah ‘ba3asel eeedy mn mcdonald’s 5alaaaa9 …

Me: am I supposed to laugh at this one ….( and the mla8a continues …on and on)


As soon as we were done i carried the tray since here in America you had to take your trash yourself there’s no such thing as “the cleaner guy will come take “  well that didn’t exist in the American system people. So i just took it to the huge trash thingy and placed the tray above it. And we headed to the parking to get going to the malls and stores.