I looked at him with pure innocent shocked eyes my face as pink as radishes
Abdulrahman: bagolich shay, tara ana ma7b ashof sha59 a7ba za3lan o maygoly shfeeh
My eyes started getting watery I don't know whyy! However the strong inner self decided to show up
Me: latgoly hal kalam please... Because I know it won't last, you're just saying it to soothe me
I looked down at my hands and started fiddling with my wedding ring
Abdulrahman: 7abeeebty wallah entay fahma ghala6 wallah
As soon as he said "7abeebty" my eyes teared and I pressed my hands over my ears not wanting to hear what he's saying.
He sat up straight pulling me up with him and hugging me tight as I was on his lap as hard and stiff as a rock!
Abdulrahman: 6al3ay elyy bgalbich kelaa baba mo zain chethy matgolinly shfeech
I slowly wiped away my tears and decided to speak up.
Me: may9eer tgoly t7bny because you don't show it and you're never around 3ashan agolik shay a9lan
Abdulrahman: 7agch 3alaay... B3d shno?
Me: shlon tgool enta t7bny o enta a9lan tzawajtny 3ashan 3my o 5alty mo 3ashan tabeni a9eer mrtik, wetha mataby hal shay tara oho mo qaseb o ana ma7b shakh9 ynjeber feeni
Abdulrahman suddenly laughed out loudly and tilted his head backwards and gave his forehead a hard hit as he laughed hysterically, I was so shocked that rude asshole! I was pouring my heart out and ALL HE DID WAS LAUGH...
I gave him a very cold "how rude" stare with my lips parting not knowing what to say at all
I definitely did not expect him to laugh
Abdulrahman: wallah yananteni
Me: wakher edik please bgoum
Abdulrahman: maby ma khla9t
Me: shnoo yahl ana mg3dny chethy o gbl shway tdaldighny wallah tara 3omry 20 okk
Abdulrahman: wsaaalim galbhom ily 3mrhom 20 (and he pinched my cheeks)! Awalaan 7ajiya ana ma7ad eb hal bayt yaqsebny 3ala shay ana mnageech (wink)
Me: eee mashallah b3d 3ala kl hal bnaat ily etdaris'hom akeed btlgalik wa7da
He looked at me shocked with questioning eyes
Abdulrahman: Dania
Me: mmm
Abdulrahman: intay ma tathkreeni?
Me: shlon ansa il class kan r3b bnsba leyy
Abdulrahman: ayy class! Ana atkalam 3an awal youm shftich feeeh
Me: eee bl jam3a!
Abdulrahman: la2 intay shaklich nasya!
His mobile rang and interrupted our talk, it was Shaikha
He answered and kept the phone on speaker
Abdulrahman: khaiir yuba mo 3aib daga n9 elail?
Shaikha: lo tfkoona mn hwaaashkom chan ma dgaina! Omy tgool 5ff 3al bnaya latg3ad et9are5 o tkaf5 feeha tara mo e5tik bnt nas
Abdulrahman: wallah 3ad mrty o kaiify lo a6ba5ha machbous mo shghlkom
Shaikha: (shaikha let out the shocked scarred voice) and hang up
I was enjoying how Abdulrahman was playing along and tried so hard to hold my laugh so she couldn't hear me.
Abdulrahman: ashoof stanastay
Me: 7abeebty shaikha
Abdulrahman: shno 9rtaw rab3? Mamdakom wallah
Me: at least she's around when I need her...
I said as I pushed myself off of his thighs to land on my feet
Me: ana banam t3abt
Abdulrahman: t9b7een 3ala khair
Me: wnt mn ahla
I was walking to my room hoping that he would reach there before me, grab my arm and tell me please don't go stay here with me lets fall asleep on the couch but was that gonna happen?
I held the doorknob and twisted it, but the door was locked!
Me: Mmm wain mfta7 el ghurfa!
Abdulrahman: madry ana mn rja3t o elghurfa magfola!
Me: ok great o ana madry wain mfta7y a9lan
Abdulrahman: dawreeh
Me: mathkr wain 76ayta Abdulrahhhmaaan
Abdulrahman: khala9 yuba namay eb dary bacher ndawr la2ana 7ata ana dikht o bacher dawam 36ayt wayed offs abe akhal9 el manhaj!
I stood there giving him the "you definitely out of your mind" look with my hands on my hips.
Abdulrahman: take it or leave it, you have no choice
I went to his room to check out the environment in there I guess, his bed is smaller! And narrower, how am I gonna be able to sleep like that. Aahhh
I came out to the living room again as I saw him gathering his belongins
Me: Abdulrahman
Abdulrahman: shfeech
Me: ma3ndy pj's
Abdulrahman: ba6lay elkabat o shoufelich shay
I went back and all his weekend tops and pj tops literally got to half my thighs! It's too short to be wearing that around him and his shorts were too huge they fell off of my waist. I felt like crying right there! Then as I sat on his bed changing into the shirt I unbuttoned my dress that I wore yesterday to the hospital and as I was sliding the shirt on he came in! WITHOUT KNOCKING
Me: wayy 6ig el babbbb
Abdulrahman: kaify baity ma a6g elbab ebayty o darrry ba3ad (e7awl e6aferha)
Me: yasallaam
I quickly covered myself with his duvet and waited for him to get dressed for bed so I can lay down and sleep. He took off his dishdasha and walked to his side of the bed in his extra tight boxers and slid in bed. Omg I hate him freakin' put on a shirt before I murder you! Maan that perfect muscled body.
Abdulrahman's point of view:
6ab3an g6ayt klshay'ha bdarha o gfalt el bab o elmfta7 5shaita eb bouky, o el7mdellah el56a meshat bl saleeem * sharbika*
Abdulrahman: fe a7ad e'3arig rou7a b 3 mokhaaad?
Me: wa7da 7ag rasy o wa7da eedy o thaltha bain reely laish tabehom? Ana shft'hom bl arth
Abdulrahman: la yuba 7lalich, 6afay el lait ako switch wara el komedeena
Dania mataby tanzl mn el frash wathe7 msta7ya mn el tshirty ely momgha6y shay, thab7ha el7aya. 6ab3an temaqe6at o bl yallah w9elat switch el lait awal ma sma3t el click o 6fa el lait 7sayt ena she lost her balance
G3adt mn sad7ty el muree7a o bsr3a gthabt'ha mn kh9rha 3ashan mat6ee7
Abdulrahman: haaaa shfeech!
6ab3an msakt ba6nha, o elbloza w9alt ergobat'ha zain ma 6gatny eny masik'ha
Dania: ahh I lost balance mashkour
Abdulrahman: la yuba 7yach bas shway shway
Awal ma nsad7at bas ga3da o tetgalab many gader aghamith kl ma aghamith asma3 9out ela ehya galba o da3sa m5ada eb 9oub.
Madayt eedi 9oubha s7abt awal mkhada ely lamat'ha o garabt ana 9oub'ha, o s7abt ely bain reelha o 7a6ayt reely mokanha. Lamayt'ha o asma3 dagat galbha o nfas'ha kan 3ala sadry o wath7 jdan enha khayfa o mt3ajba mny.
I whispered to calm her heartbeats and innerself questions.
Abdulrahman: az3ajteni wayed tet7rkain bas namay
And just like that she rested her head on my shoulder while my head was on a pillow, she was so tiny compared to me. I breathed in her scented shampoo and slept comfortably for the first time in many years...
- Madliar