Here's a long one just to help get through this week! I thought today was Wednesday...✋
As we were leaving AlRaya and nearly onto the highway
Nasser: danii wain trcheetich
Me: haw kahy as I held my closest ear to him I felt that there was nothing clipped on my ear!
I pulled down the top mirror just to make sure and there was nothing!
Me: Nasser erjaa3!
Nasser: kalmay rfejatich edawrona
Me: laa Nasser hatha mal omyy please erja3 magdar athay3a!
I started freaking out, i really didn't want to lose any of my moms precious pieces!
Nasser: okok kany radd
Nasser shafny khayfa he sped up and as I got down I started walking in the ballroom searching for the bride's mom!
Me: khalty trcheety 67at ma7ad yablich shay
Bride's mom: hala 7abeebty shoufay om il m3rs hathy ily labsa beige chna tawa galat fe shay lageena
Me: mshkoura khaltyy
I walked to that lady in a beige dress
Me: alsalam 3alaikom khalty, galoly lgaitaw trcheya?
Groom's mom: wa7ed mn rab3 wlaidy bara bain eshabab tlgaina wagf 7abeebty ma rtha y36eny eyah gal byt2akad bnafsa!
Me: ok mashkouraa khalty!
Wayy hal d3la ya3ny just give it to a lady that can handle it o khala9!
I walked out the ballroom between the sliding doors stood about 10 guys, they seemed like they're in their 30's.
Me: alsalam
One of the guys: w3alaikom esalam
Me: mm yaya a5th il trcheya ely lageenha?
Guy: 3abdlrahman *y2ashrla ena ta3al*
I waited and took a step back as "Abdulrahman" walked over
Abdulrahman: wain trchetich ethanya?
I pushed back the strands of hair behind my ears and tilted my head to the right so he can see the other pair.
He looked so serious and I just cant believe him, I was embarrassed I felt as if I were a criminal or something!
He saw my other pair and with a serious face he took out my earring from his top dishdasha pockets and I held out my hand.
As he gently placed the diamond earring on my hand as if resting a sleeping baby he touched my hand, I looked at his face as he said
Abdulrahman: tfathilay
Me: mashkour dam fathlik
I closed my fingers and walked out of the ballroom for the second time that night with all my belongings this time!
As we got home i took of my heels and walked in holding the tail of my electric bluee dress from its ring down below and walked in our quite house. I slept peacefully that night.
Friday morning my brothers wore they're bukhour scented dishdashas' and headed to the mosque, when they were back breakfast was ready at the table.
Me: taqabal allah 9alatkom
Nawaf & Nasser: mna o mnch 9al7 la3mal
Me: shbetsawon elyoum?
Nasser: ana baro7 ashof eshabab etha many ghal6an bjlai3a
Nawaf: ana wedy aro7 eshalaih mn zman ma r7t
Me: ana chethy mfakra
Nasser got up and packed his bags for the rest of the weekend and off he went.
Nawaf and I sat in the living room i took out my laptop and started fixing classes for the next course which was coming up shortly.
Nawaf: danii bgolich shay o ana 7as enich tadreen bl mawthou3 o 7asa feeh mnzman
Me: ay mawthou3
Nawaf: Fofa
Me: shfeha Fofa
Nawaf: shno shfeeha mafeha shay enshallah bas ana 7abha wayed
Me: aaahhh Nawaaf ya7lailikk *i placed my laptop on the couch and sat next to him* ana ste7ayt haha*bagagt 3yony bwayha*
Nawaf: *he looked at me from the corners of his eyes with his hands under his chin wearing his dishdasha and ghitra*
Me: Nawaaf goul yallah wanisny
Nawaf: bas khalast! Abeech tgolinlaha tye weyana eshalaih elyoum
Me: ok ya3ny inta btgolaha?
Nawaf: eee ee entay bs khaleha tye weyana
Me: okkk
I got up to get my phone and started looking through my contacts for Fofa's phone number!
Me: aloo Noufaa!
Noufa: ahlaan
Me: hala wallah shlonch shmsawya?
Nawaf was gesturing for me to not take my time i was gesturing (shway shway) wait!
Noufa: wallah bkhair entaw shlonkom
Me: klna zaineen enzain bagolich shay!
Noufa: shno
Me: ana o Nawaf bnro7 eshalaih tyen?
Noufa: ma thanty omy btertha shalaih Danii
Me: weee 9ij golilaha Nawaf weyana ohwa bewadena weredna
Nawaf: shfeeha shno weee Danii
I was gesturing for him to wait.
Noufa: eee chthy ymkin te6aman akthar!
Me: okay bye fofa!
Phone call ended
Nawaf: laish bye shno galat
Me: omha mo rathya (i lied)
Thag khlga Nawaf o he turned to the Tv and started flipping through the channels
5 mins later his phone rang and he picked up
Nawaf: alo w3alaikom esalam...eee hala 3my eshloon ansak...el7mdellah omorna 3my ana baro7 lat7aty mo bro7hom...tslam... M3a esallamah
Nawaf: laish tgolin ma rthat omha
Me: bss la2ana bshof shklik wenta thayg khlgik *bkl theqa*
Nawaf: yasalam 3alaich bs ya ekhty il 7nona mashallah wayed t7beni...yala jhzay shghlich
He got up and minutes later I got up as well to pack...dresses, shorts, tank tops and bathing suits. I wasn't planning on leaving the chalet so there was no need for outfits.
Nawaf came in and started fiddling with my bag, then he carried it down for me and we got into in G class and off we headed to pick up Fofa. On the way out i called Bishr the driver to take Helen to the co-op to get necessities and follow us with the nannies to chalet.
We9alna 3nd Fofa i called her to come out o nzalt 3ashan ag3ad wara abehom they bond.
Fofa started walking out i was in the back seat already behind Nawaf she walked over he got down to take her bag to the trunk, she was giving me stares mo 3ajbha tg3ad jdam yam Nawaf 6ab3an!
She opened the back seat on the other side..
Noufa: goumay jdamy
Nawaf tawa rkab esayara...
Nawaf: shgalolich Bshr esoug feech?
Me: el akbar yg3ad jedam Fofa
Hastart mn el th7k after what I said because what the hell how old are we? 2?
36atny 5aza thanya o meshaina, Nawaf had his music the whole ride and i was singing along while Fofa was lip singing.
Me: Nawaf you3ana abe Mcdonald's drive thru please!
Nawaf: ok baro7 mal ra7al
We9alna Noufa was ordering she half kneeled across to Nawaf's side so the guy can hear her through the microphone stand, her hair was literally on Nawaf's thigh!
Noufa: 1 chicken burger sandwich with cheese
She laid back to her seat and when it was Nawaf's turn
Nawaf: make it 2 please!
Me: chicken nuggets with bbq sauce medium size with mixed berry juice!
We got our food and as we got on the highway...
Nawaf: Fofa 6al3ay malty
Noufa took out his burger and unwrapped it in a neat way and held out her hand for Nawaf to take it, but instead Nawaf felt like putting her in a situation where she turns into a bloody tomato
Nawaf bent his head down and took a bite while the burger was still in Fofa's hand
Fofa bser3a lafat 3alaih msta7ya! Bs ohwa mkayif 6ab3an o ana ga3da wara lo kan beedy abchy mn th7k chan 9ar sayalan dmo3... My brother was good at this and it was funny seeing Fofa in this scene where she didn't have a choice at all!
- Madliar