Sunday, March 24, 2013

Heal Me 43

There you go :DIn this post you will find out why Dhari and I were acting weird. You have questions feel free to ask by mentioning my twitter account or Direct messages where i can reply right away ;) @madliarq8Everyone hates Sundays i hope this makes your days somehow...This one goes to @DanaSultan for being very understanding and caring these past months x ly cutie

I slowly opened the door and the kids were running around, and I was totally ignored.

I don't know if Dhari noticed me leaving my room because he was giving me his back skyping.

Only thing I heard was.

Dhari: wallah yanait… mahy 7ala ya3ny… bas 5al ashof ana wagolich ymkin ako  shay hnee hnak…

What the hell. Hatha she5arbi6, honestly I couldn’t even connect the dots, made zero sense so I'm just gonna wash the thought away.

I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich the kids came and took a bite I took out a water bottle from the fridge and went to my room. I settled on catching up with my Tv Shows and calling it a lazy day.

You know when you just want to be busy and that you want to catch up on stuff but you don't actually watch the episode and your mind takes you far away , that was exactly what happened and I eventually slept!

I woke up to a knock on the door, I got up slowly pushed my laptop to the side and peeked from the side.

Dhari: ratbay elmokan etha ma3alaich amr, ana ray7 a5th Aziz o Nora mn elma6ar weya el yahal

Walah ma 3nda salfa

I shut the door, it’s rude I’ll admit it bs atmana he asks if I wanted to tag along!

I called Noodie o g3adt at7al6am, nothing better to do!

Me: ambaih bas laih meta I'm sick of this klyoum mood ana ma amshy 3ala mzaja
Noodie: it's more like enty “tmashena 3ala mzajik”
Me:………………………………* I stayed quite and thought *
Noodie: shfeech talk!
Me: I think I know why *my eyes went straight to my nails *
Noodie: OKAY? Tell mee!
Me: yabgara I'm pms-ing! I totally forgot about that
Noodie: Omg how are you ever gna explain that to him :/
Me: Madry! That’s your part! Shsawy!
Noodie: ………….
Me: omg! Byoun ba3d shwy and I still didn’t clean up and YES he just told me to clean up as if I was his maid! BYE * I hung up *

I was going crazy running around tidying up washing dishes sweeping the kitchen floors and worst of all the bathrooms and the washing machine, I washed all whites together and the colored I left on the side for tomorrow!

I took out the oven pizza and mac  ‘n’ cheese, theyre the only thing I end up cooking properly so I decided to need to risk it for anything else.

I was missing a salad! I quickly cut the lettuce, added canned corn, canned mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes. (Do not try this it was the only thing in the fridge) about the sauce I mixed vinegar and salt ::

I set the table added plates, spoons, knives and forks brought the highchairs by the table and it was ready! Then changed into something better not formal, but something acceptable for welcoming the brother and the sister-in-law. Then I added simple everyday makeup.

And as soon as I placed my butt on the couch the apartment door was unlocked.

7lw. I was locked in? jad shno mathalan ban7ash? Omg that was just funny :)

I shook hands with my brother and kissed his cheeks, however Noura got one of my bear hugss.

Me: wlaaaaht 3alaaich *you can try saying it like I did. Stretched! *
Noura: 7abeeety ma tafgedin ghaly

When she said that memories of Hamad were repeated I tried washing the thought away, Noura pulled away and my eyes landed straight at Dhari’s. I felt my eyes being watery so I just looked the other way to avoid the weakness and wash the feeling away.

Aziz: yah yah sh’hal zain mrabta e6awla o klshay jahiz chena?
Me: tstahl akthar wallah enta el ghaly *he side hugged me *

It was awkward. I didn’t see that coming, my older brother I'm not close with at all! I was surprised but I didn’t want to show it because he’s trying hard to fill in Hamad’s place and acquire half of it if not all and I should let him in, he is my brother after all.

I smiled and told them to wash up while I squeezed the oranges for some fresh orange juice! (The only thing I ever enjoyed doing in the kitchen is squeezing lemons and oranges in that prop)

10 mins passed and I called them for dinner my seat was next to Noura’s, Aziz sat across and Dhari was in front of me. The kids were on the sides in their highchairs. I served the food on each of their plates, poured orange juice for everyone and sat quietly. I didn’t feel like socializing or asking about their trip, mood swings I guess.

Noura and I washed the dishes and she messing with me

Whispering by the sink while the guys were watching news and updating each other and of course the kids fast asleep…

Noura:  shsaiwatay yal kalba?
Me: haw wala shay shbasawy ya3ny
Noura: latgolinly ma 9efalich eljaw mathalan
Me: way ambaih latkalmeny eb hal mawthou3 ma3aref akalmich feh entay mrt okhoy
Noura: magooool! Goulay
Me: wallah mako shay a9lan tenefes elwath3 7aliyan wedy abchy
Noura: malat! 3ala shno mnafsin!
Me: I was pms-ing! Wel7in madry shgoula!
Noura: mafro’9 e3aref 3aziz kan yadry!!
Me: ma3teqed kthr hal ashkara ely ana msawyat’ha bl nail polish o mastaw3ab
Noura: waay ghaba2 etbachon… enzain bgolich ana 7amil *Blushing! *
Me: CUTEEE! Can’t wait ashwa e9adif e9aaif!
Noura whispering: ya 7mara okhoch mayadry chub entay awal wa7da! Knt bkhleech tsamina bs hawant!

Me: laa sorry my lips are sealed!

Faj2a Aziz dash 3ar’9

Aziz: kl hatha ‘3aseel 97oun wakaltaw qabeela?
Noura & I: Ha? Yala yayeen

We joined them on the couch I was soo happy for Noura kl ma 3iny 6a7at eb 3ainha atebosam laha, I never saw the twins at the hospital when they were born so I really want to be there for this one!

Me: baro7 a76 lehdoum bl dryer knt aghaslhom
Aziz: ethnich ma3ach *wink *

I placed the clothes in the drier; I want Dhari’s to dry so I can give him his clothes before he leaves. I sat on the washing machine waiting for the drier and when through my whatsapp’s, bbm’s and Instagram. Till the drier beeped so I started folding Dhari’s clothes. I walked to living room to see that he’s not there!

Me: besmellah wain ra7 tawny m6al3a hdouma mn el nashaf!
Noura: weeh! Tara tawa ma9arla 6ali3 dgay 3laih!Me: okk!

I quickly ran to the drier and grabbed my phone and PING!!!-ed him!


-Sara Al

-Dhari Al

-Sara Al

-Dhari Al
Bsayara ba7arik. Laish?

-Sara Al
Wait 5 mins ana nazla

-Dhari Al 

I quickly continued folding and made sure they were neat and then I sprayed them with perfume and put them in his empty handbag and ran down the stairs then stopped fixed how I look before leaving the building.

Splash me with your amazing comments beauties <3 nbsp="">

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Heal Me 42

There you go as promised and kept the promise posted BEFORE the end of the week :')

I'm getting back to this I guess :pEnjoy my lovely readers thankyou for being patient and follow @Madliarq8 on Twitter for updates on the blog ;)

Me: mafeny shay, Namaw?
Dhari: la feech shay… ee namaw

I stayed quite wasn’t in the mood to explain myself at all.

Dhari: laman btgolinly shfech kalmeeny

He got up walked to the door and just before he closes it

Dhari: t9be7in 3ala khair  *shut*

I drifted to sleep and woke up 6 hours later, tried going back to sleep, rolled on my bed but no choice. Got up checked my whatsapps intagram and text Noodie!

            Noodie I miss you haven’t seen you for the whole weekend, this sucks please come pick me today we’ll go do something and I'm taking Feda with us and leaving Fares with Dhari. Cant leave both with him, I’ll tell you everything when I see you please reply asap xoxo

I got up, tied my hair in a ponytale, washed and prayed then walked out to make myself waffles.
Got out the big bowl and started mixing my ingredients then used the waffle maker, poured myself orange juice took out the Nutella jar and waited for the waffle maker to beep.

When I started eating suddenly a door opened I looked to see Dhari coming out, I quickly got up to change into something suitable. Got my free city pants with a shirt and came back out.

Dhari was making himself coffee with the Nespresso machine while I sat and ate my plate of waffles, it was awkward he didn’t even talk, giving me his back.
I got up washed the plates by the sink, which was inches away from where he was standing, then I cleaned the waffle maker and went back to my room.

I got my laptop and came back to the living room and started looking for Ms. Swans videos they’re the ONLY videos I watch on Youtube because not any of them are worth the wait except for Ms.Swan she’s an exception. (Don't watch them anymore but you have to etha you never did :o ) I only did that cause I'm bored oh and I put headphones on one ear only :D

Of course the videos were hilarious and I might have been a drama queen while watching them, it was just to grab his attention and I hope it works..

Me: ahahahhaha… *holds the tummy tilts head backwards *

And my earphone was pulled out and it hurt!

I creased my eyebrows in a furious way and he didn’t look back… mo shay ydeed 

I grabbed a pillow and aimed straight at his head!

He turned around mad
Dhari: yahel?
Me: yasalaaam! Enta eta7arash wana elyahel? Wallah esharha mo 3alaik enta esharha 3alay ana ely lail7in ga3da aklmik

I sat up closed my laptop hard causing the screen to hit against the keyboard. I walked to my room threw my stuff on the bed picked out an outfit for Feda and I  and walked to the other room ignoring Dhari completely!

I picked her up slowly held her in my arms she looked too cute I really didn’t want to wake her up but I kinda have to. So I took her to my room woke her up slowly bribed her about getting our nails done and she got too excited ‘poliss’ was all she could say while flashing her nails at me.

I changed fixed my hair and dumped stuff in my bag called Noodie till she woke up but she didn’t so I thought why not walk over? :)

I carried Feda and walked to the apartment door took a key from the hanger and heard

Dhari: wain 3ala al-la-h?

But too late I slammed the door :D *victory * he cares *happy dance *
I put her down and off we went, it was a 15-minute walk till we got to her doorstep.
We knocked rang the doorbell till she woke up with her Kisha all over the place

Noodie: why me? Go to the lovebird
Me: eqeth akraha

I went in and walked past her with Feda following in.

Me: ok sm3ay badg 3ala elsalon bnsawy massage and mani pedi’s! except for Feda is having the longest mani pedi in the history of mani pedi’s :D

Noodie: and your inviting me right?
Me: EEE EEE elmohim ma ajabl wayh Dhari!
Noodie: talk!

I booked our appointments for an hour ahead first.
Then I told her everything she took his side tgool 7aqeera wala chny rfeejat’ha…

In the car with Feda all quiet and whiney asking about Fares till we changed the subject to what color she was applying and she got excited again!

We got to the only place here with a decent salon we did our massages and our nails applied nailpolish oh and did I mention Dhari didn’t call or text  we passed by Toys r Us got a puzzle and toys for Noodie’s apartment to keep Feda busy and headed back.

Noodie: where’s the “machbous” it's freakin’ 5 pm! Ya 7mara
Me: 3aib maygolon 7mara 3eqaban lech entay te6be5in!

I moved away because I think I burned the chicken and the rice wasn’t cooked and I rinsed it already :$
Noodie: akeed l2ank 5rbteeh!
Me: saway shay thany wentay sakta

Maskeena she was the only one hungry Feda ate chips, chocolate and drank milk.
We had our lunch watched a movie played hide and seek with Feda till the clock striked 9pm and I asked Noodie to drop us back.

I walked in the apartment with Feda in my arms and the place was quite I guess they’re out somewhere having their “day out” as men.

We changed into our pj’s, F and I and sat on the sofa with Feda’s head on my lap drinking her milk and hanging on to her quilt.

Before I knew It, I was fast asleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
I woke up to see Dhari carrying Feda trying to cover me with a blanket.
6ab3an girls love being drama queens…

I got up ga6ayt el kambal 3al ar’9 and went to my room.
A minute later I was tucking myself in to see that he barged in

Me: mo chethy edar3emon next time t6g elbab

7garny dash el 7amam o 6la3 madry sh5atha

The next day I woke up to see the kids running around, screaming happily then it hit me, Nora and Aziz are coming back tonight!

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Heal Me 41

is all I have to say.
Posting another soon Enshallah and when i say soon i mean it this time :p


Fa allah esalmkom sawayt rou7y mtan7a o chny masema3t.

Me: Ha?
Dhari: salamtich
Me: mmm ok

I figured Dhari’s was thinking about our future and not actually into the Tv since it was Sesame Street -.-

We stayed there physically watching with the kids but mentally deep in our thoughts.  I do love Dhari, and I know he loves me too but it seems that he doesn’t know how to show me that.

Today he loves me, tomorrow

 He doesn’t care, tonight I'm

Special, next week I’m nothing

This was exactly how I felt, I don't know what to expect, when and why. I'm confused.

Suddenly the kids started screaming and running around this is what brought me back to reality, I looked up at Dhari who still had is arms around me. His head was tilted backwards.

Ambaih 7abeeby te3ab wohwa efaker bl mostaqbal el shayiq 

I stood on the couch slowly and held his arm so it doesn’t fall and wake him up, I looked down and he was sound asleeeep.

I sat back down placed my hand on his chest and started repeating his name

Me: Dhari Dhari Dhari Dhari
I kept repeating and looked down at my thighs…
Dhari: bas bas bas shno bal3a radio!
Me: eee goum! *I said as I smiled *

haw shfeeh hatha shsawayt :/

He got up to stretch and walked to the room he sat on the side on the bed and he kids in the middle playing with their Ipad, punching hard on that screen.

I stood in the doorway for a bit then walked to my room to get my pj’s and I decided to sleep in the room with the cribs and tell Dhari to sleep in my room I just didn’t feel like sharing a bet, especially after the nightmare and how embarrassing it was. Plus I admit it is inappropriate :)

You see I am a person that cares about culture, religious beliefs, values and all even though I’ve lived far away from the country doesn’t mean my mom never taught me what was right from wrong. Not to mention I’ve kept that clean and I don't want to ruin it right now.

I came back into the room holding my pj’s and they were all the same way I left them!

Me: *in a quite tone * Mmm Dhari troo7 etnam eb dary?

Enshallah ma yes2al why!

Dhari: ok.

Ok qathny you know how sometimes people answer you coldly and you just want to walk over to them and punch them haardd in the face! That was just how I felt right there! And I kindof wanted him to ask why (covers face with a blanket)

I decided to let it go show him that I didn’t care, I seriously don’t know what’s wrong with me but he’s being annoying right?
While I was still standing in the doorway he walked past me, shoulders hit mine and walked to my room ;O

Dhari: tara Aziz o Noura you9lon 3gb bacher belail
Me: adry

I didn’t know but I just wanted to shut him up I guess :D


Finally it was time to sleep I changed the kidss into their gap pj’s they’re the cutest ever! I LOVE THEM.

I covered them with their quilts
Gave them their milk
Told 2 bedtime stories one in English the other in Arabic
Tried ignoring them
Acted as if I was asleep
And they wouldn’t sleep!

They would ask about Dhari, and that they want him to put them to bed :)
Well guess what no uncle Dhari in bed tonight, I shouted at them and made them lay down forcefully then they started crying and said between sobbs ‘mahebich’ ‘abe amy Dharii’ .

Ok so I'm the aunt here kids you know that man is a stranger you’re not related to him… okay I'm jealous.

So I got up left them there, walked to where Dhari was sleeping barged into the room and said

Me: switch rooms

I walked to the side that was less occupied and I could see that he was looking at me like ‘what has got into that brat’.

But seriously I couldn’t careless

Dhari walked out leaving the door open; I shut my eyelids and had my phone in my hands.

I thought

and thought…

and thought…

and thought…

and thought…

and thought…

and thought.

About that one person of course no one else.

I felt my phone being pulled out on my hand and the bed mattress wasn’t straight like it usually is…guess what?

Dhari sat on my side so close to my tummy. I opened my eyes slowly to see him right there exactly how I’d pictured him a seconds ago.

Dhari: shfeech?

I know it's short bas i didnt mention before 3ashan mat7esoun :D

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