Back with bonus posts but show me you guys exist💔
I sipped some water after plugging my phone to charge and started feeling sick again!
Little did I know that water would mess me up...
I quickly pulled on to my bedroom trash, bent down on the floor beside my bed and well you name what I saw!
I started coughing loudly trying to catch my breath as well as pushing what's left of it out of my throat!
My door opened with Nasser rushing in with his training clothes on probably back from his late mamsha runs and climbing the stairs because that was the only way he would notice my coughs!
Nasser: Daaani shfeeeech!
I broke into tears and he dialled Helen to come and help him because I knew how weak he was seeing me like this was something he detests!
Helen was being my supermom! Despite how old she is, she helped a lot, she simply knew it all!
She put me back in bed where Nasser was waiting with sorrow in his eyes
Nasser: ana banady Nawaf o Noufa
In a tired voice with a dry voice...
Me: Nasser ana zaina!! El7mdellah
Nasser: Daani br6emech teshagag shtgooolin!
Me: 3adi mo awal mara
Nasser: bs mo zaiiin o Abdulrahman akeed nayem maby a9arg3a
Me: eee gtlik mako shay 7ata Noufa maskena aked ta3bana latdg.
Nasser: khlas tamren bas gomay e6abeeb!!
Ana ma medani ared?
Faj2a sa7beeni Helen mn side o Nasser mn side pulling me out of bed and all the way to Nasser’s car! Helen got a bag of better looking clothes and my phone gave it to Nasser and off we were at one of Kuwaits finest hospitals! The famous AlSeef
Abdulrahman's Point of View
I've been at home since I left the in-laws house, thinking about what she has done...
My brain was inches away from giving up, but instead I made it work harder by thinking more.
However, her face did break my heart
Elmoshkela 9arly fatra ma ashof'ha kela bl ghurfa aw ana 6ali3 el7in laman shft'ha ashof'ha wehya tzawe3 bshakl ely 9ij taksr kha6ry feeh! Moshkelty ma3arf asma3 a7ad laman akon mo bal3a ma at7amal klsh! Ma3a enha shaal3a galby o 3agly ma afaker ela feha...
I received an sms, I grabbed my phone which was beside me on the couch as I enjoyed thinking with bare hands and just starring into space.
Patient D N Al***** admitted to hospital
Wayhy en9efag!
I remembered the last time I came I updated her file before discharge and added my own phone number instead of her parents' allah yr7amhom. اللهم اجعله خير! مادري شلون خير و بالمستشفى
I cancelled the review classes I had for the next day and waited for an hour then headed to the hospital when I knew that whoever took her would have already gone to work!
I prayed Fajr prayer at the Mosque and headed there directly. Just my luck no one was there and she was sound asleep! I held her dry hands, and starred at her face at every detail.
Her lovely long curved lashes, her perfectly shaped nose, her closed eyes, her lips drier than ever! And last but not least her amazing hair. I started praying that she'd be home sometime soon because one day away from home was no good to her at all.
After an hour of thinking deeply by her side I went to get answers from the nurses!
Abdulrahman: goodmorning! Im here for Dania..
Nurse: we put her on fluids because she lost so much from vomiting, after blood tests also there is no calcium in da body and potassium level bery low sir.
9demat 3eeshty 6ab3an
Abdulrahman: how long will she be?
Nurse: doctor said minimum 2-3 days
Abdulrahman: Thankyou!
Tawny yay barid elghurfa wela ashof el nurse tgoly ena she has a patient that called for help! And just my luck it was Dania's room she entered...
She woke up and I didn't want her to see me there, so I made my way out and just as I was exiting the hospital Nouf was approaching me.
Nouf: 9ba7 elnour!
Abdulrahman: ahlain...Dania bghurfa 10 entay laih meta ga3da?
Nouf: hala! Wallah ma3ndy shay lat7aty enta erja3
Zain enha 6al3atny mnha ashwa meshayt wana met6amin
Dania's point of view
I woke up and literally no one was around so I called for the nurses to get me something to eat!
Then Noufa walked in as the nurse left!
Noufa: halaa bl7ub wallah o gmna ndawem shiftat hne 7agich
Me: hehehe 7ayatyy allah la ya7rmnii
Noufa: tawech ga3daa
Me: abad ma 9arly 5 mins o 6gayt nurse button
Noufa: wallah shkether y7ateech Nawaf ohwa mga3dni galy akeed Nasser mesha rou7elha
Me: b3d 3omry allaah laya7remnii
She came and side hugged me, then placed her hand on my baby bump…
Noufa: wallah o 3fastna ya wld enas
Me: heheh 3la ay asas wld enas ymkin bnt cutee 3alayy
Noufa: wayyy ya3ni qasdi baby mo ena BOY!
And we laughed as the nurse came in with some sick hospital food!
Then Sabacha and Dalooya came to see me and they insisted to do an ultrasound since we are in the hospital and they think I still don’t know what I’m having.
Dalooya: shrayech nsawy baby shower gender reveal thing awady el results 7ag bakery o esawon el cake PINK or BLUE!
Sabacha: ambaaih 7ail wanasa wallah!
Me: yallaah fouga 6lbay 2 cakes please abe wa7da 7agna ana o Abdulrahman!
Dalooya: ya3ny ra7 t3arfen gablna!!
Me: waaaay ba3ad bnafs elyoum shelfarg ya kalba
Sabacha: Dalooy khal mertha bas la2anha ehya el om 3raftay *trying to convince her!*
Noufa and I were DYING!!
Noufa: ya7elookom 5uff 6eeena
Me: elwath3 mskay ba6nich o th7kay eb kl yam3a
We all laughed and ended up going up to the ultrasound department, I haven’t enjoyed being pregnant for a while and this day at the hospital my mood got elevated!
They took the result and had it sealed with the pictures in another sealed envelope, and Dalooya had promised to show us the envelope every couple of hours because we know she snoops!!!