OK.... There you go ;p it's the longest post i've ever posted i think (:
I kept wandering around in the plane till I got back to my seat. Ohh shit he has the leg thingy pulled out how am I going to pass! I'm so not waking him up, he was up the whole time maskeen he didn't get enough sleep. I had an idea it was dangerous but I'm risking it. I placed my right hand on the arm thingy and tried to reach the other arm thingy with my other hand, I slowly moved my left foot to the other side so now I'm facing him, I push my self to the other side and luckily land on my seaat!
Me: 7ady mara7 a3eed-ha, next time dude imma wake u upp! *pheww *
Waay many 3arfa anam I hate it when I'm in a plane and I just can't sleep its so annoying. Sometimes I don't sleep the days before being on the plane just so that I'd be sleepy that day o now magdar anam!
I tried everyway you would think of! Mn kethr ma t7arakt I think I woke Dhari :S.
Dhari: shfeech ?
Me: mmm mafeeny shay
Dhari: waayed gam tet7arekayn shloon mafeech shay?
Me: no its just that mu 3arfa shloon anam ;/
Dhari: tsaneday o namay seeda
Me: ma3aref :|
Dhari: mmm 7e6ay rasich 3ala hatha mal el eed or the window, try
Me: ok
I tilted my head to the window side and slept peacefully. The next thing I knew I was awakened by Dhari.
Dhari: sarah yalah we9alna
Me: Hamad please ba3d shway ta3bana
Dhari: *sigh* bas b9ekon el plane 3alainah!
I got scared o gmt. I turned around to find no one around but me and him and some of the plane's waitresses that were cleaning it for the next passengers.
I stretched my arms a little to wipe away the laziness. I got up to find him standing holding my bag for me to reach and holding his ipad in the other hand.
I reached and placed my bag on my shoulders.
Me: thankyou
Dhari: that's my job...bas etha u don't mind 7e6ay my ipad da5el
Me: sure (I unzipped my bag)
He placed his ipad in my bag and zipped my bag.
I smiled.
He lead the way out of the plane and on to the baggage claim where he pulled the bags and didn't even let me help him! I'm so used to it because that is my job when I'm with my mom.I'd do everything and she sits and wait.
His car was waiting in the airport garage. He pushed the trolly to the car and arranged the bags properly in the trunk of his car.
Dhari: ay she8a now?
Me: mm kaifek madry
Dhari: so mine (he plastered a big smile across his face)
Me: okay (:
We got to their building which was 5 mins away from mine. He took the bags to the elevator one by one. I stepped out of the elevator first, since he insisted.
He had his keys in his mouth biting the ring.
Dhari: e5thay el key o fecheeh bl azrag(he mumbled while carrying my bag and his in each hand)
I held it and he losened his bite. I got kindof scared because I think I pulled the key and I hate when someone does it to me.
Dhari: lat5afen mara7 a3'9
Me: 7ady 5ft, 3'9ny o btshof shno bswy feeek
I replied while twisting the key to unlock the door.
Me: there....(I pushed the door open)...desh
Dhari: mashkoura
Me: anytime (brood mu 6abee3yy enshallah maygol 'mashkora' :'( )
I went in after him.
Dhari: wain tabin tnamin? Dary wela el 9ala?
Me: la 3ade enta nam eb darikk...I'm good with the 9ala
Dhari: akeed bas el frash arya7
Me: la ana a7b sofa's :D
Dhari: kaifech entay el 5asrana
Me: adry :p
I changed into something comfortable and sat on the couch watching tv. He suddenly came in. I decided not show that I realized he came in. I could sense after shave. He threw himself on the other couch then I decided to show that he grabbed my attention.
Me: so shra7 nsawy
Dhari: groceries awal ba3dain nshoflina movie o etha tabin shay mn el she8a nmr too
Me: mm ok
I wore jeggings a long sweater whereas long to me meant halfway through my thighs. I slipped on my flip flops and I took my purse.
Dhari: mtdafya o 7altich 7ala a5er shay na3aal! O mat7tajayn jan6etich 5aleha
Me: ma 3ndy ghaira el joty mu moree7, embala a7taj may9eer ga3din eb ur apartment o taby ta9rf 3alay ba3ad
Dhari: 3ala ra7tich ...laish shfeha etha 9raft 3alaich
Me: 3aib;D
Dhari: emshay emshay *smirk *
We headed to the groceries first, he pushed the trolley and I followed…
Dhari: mac&cheese?